Spring Break and the Countdown begins!!

Yo~ This is Jen coming to you from Spring Break 2010! Techinically our spring break started yesterday, but I was unable to post yesterday! D: ^_^ But I had fun yesterday during my first day of spring break! I went to my guitar lessons and got interrigated by my guitar teacher with an electric screwdriver. It had a blinding blue light on it! X.X (Don't ask why I was getting interrigated. I have no idea either. XD) Then I went to the library to work. (Yes, I work at my library as a volunteer). x.x It was toy washing day. That soooo was NOT fun. Then I went to my friend Uchi's house! ^___^ We watching The Invention of Lying. I love that movie. So funny. haha. Then I watched the EPIC BATTLE BETWEEN ICHIGO AND GRIMMJOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was practically crying during Nel's speech to Orihime. And then what Orihime said afterwards.

"Don't Die! Please don't die... You don't have to win. And you don't have to fight. Just don't get hurt... I couldn't bear it." (I think I got what she said right.) I WAS CRYING DURING THAT PART!!!!! T^T

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My favorite part at the end of the battle~<3

Well, I don't really have plans for the week. Other than sleep in every day. XD LOL!!

DAYS TIL MY BIRTHDAY: 31 (just one more month! ^____^)
