My Solo is over! ^.~

Waaaah. I was sooooo nervous yesterday. @.@ I wasn't really worried about my solo. I was just totally nervous about the sightreading. >.< Not my strong point... But I started to sing my solo, and the judge was really impressed! Mostly because I remember the order of the verses. XD LOL. Then... my worst enemy... =_= Sightreading... I was only given a minute to go over it. But when I started it, I just kept going. o_o then I got to the end!!! The judge said it was PERFECT!!! O_O I was soooo shocked. I actually got the sightreading right for once!!! YAY!!! But now it's over and hopefully I won't be so busy for awhile. TT.TT And we aren't going to Las Vegas for spring break. =3= phooey... Oh well. I'm gonna get to get out of school and go when my dad has off. ^.~ (Ditchin school to go gamble! XD LMAO!!! jk)

OMG!! :3 I might be seeing Clash of the Titans today. ^_____^ I want to see that movie soooooo badly. I'll tell you how it was tomorrow if I see it. lol.

I was watching Bleach last night and it is getting REAL intense. o_o Even though I already saw these episodes and read them in the manga, I always get goosebumps when I see it again!!! >.< I sooooo have to see the battle between Ichigo and Grimmjow again. well. gotta go! later!!
