April Fool's <3

OK! TheO's little... smile thing?... IS REALLY CREEPING ME OUT!!! >.> *stares at it* ......creeeeepyyyyyy.... Anyways, Today is April 1st! Also known as... APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!! *Laughs evilily.* This is the day when my true troublemaking blood is at its peak. I already got my first victim, wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. But my second victim was a little bit better. *Pulls out a giant stack of papers that's about 100 pages long.* Hehehe. Like my list? This is my list of victims and what their special prank is. >X3 Lets just hope that you aren't on my list. *Smirks* Well, I'm off to find my next contestant of the day. *Rushes off with a crazed look in my eyes.*
