Ulquiorra Sneaks

XD LMAO!!!! ONCE AGAIN!!! I LOVE MY FRIEND SAM!!!!! XDXDXD We're working on an ipod project right now (EX: A pic of pikachu thats blacked out with an iPod and it say iPikachu or something at the top). *Pushes up my glasses and snickers.* We're doing one for all of the Bleach characters right now. I'm sure most of you are familiar with iDeadpan. Well, there is more coming right after that!! XD Bwahahaha!!! ((For all Bleach RPer friends, if you have an idea for your i-- whatever, tell me and I'll email my friend.)) My friend doesn't have a TheO account, so she's giving me permission to put them on my account. x3 Teamwork rulez. OK!!! Now that I have all of that out, Here's the newest pic!!! The New, the awesome, ULQUIORRA SNEAKERS!!!!! *Claps.*

I would totally wear those. XD LOL
