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Welcome to the World of Jenny~ be prepared for either NOTHING or RANDOM. yeah. good luck~

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NOOOOOOO!!!!! I'm stuck in school on this beautiful Thursday!!!!! Wanna know the best part of today? I got f---in' DETENTION just because I came into school late without a note! WTF?? -_-" Well... if i bring in a note tomorrow I can get out of it... but thats not the stupid point. To tell the truth. IDK what the point to this is. I just wanna get out of here today. AND FAST. *sighs* I just wanna be at home sleeping or working on the 20 drawing I have to get through. Or the 7 books I need to read. -_- I have a lot on my to-do list to get done... *Slams head on desk.* I WANNA GO HOME!!! T^T someone help meeeee...

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SAMMY CAME BACK TO SCHOOL TODAAAAAY!!!!! ^__^ I was sooo happy. As soon as I got to school this morning, I went to her locker and glomped her! I glomped her so hard I literally knocked her down. x3 How's that for tough love, eh? XD LMAO!!!! But she's tough, so she was alright. xD haha. But Sammy brought back gifts! :OOO I gotz a scroll (with meh name on it! :D It says Jenny on it. x3) and a fan that folds (it has flowers on it. :3) Lunch was so much fun with Sammy back~ I guess we're having a welcome home party for her this weekend. Fun! xD. Well, thats my post for the day. lmao.

Here's the scroll! :O

:D It says Jenny on it!!! Wait... did I already say that? XD lol


Back to school... NUUUUU

T^T Spring break is over... WAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! T^T So sad... But oh well. I GOT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL IN MY PAJAMAS!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Wanna know why?? hehheh. Today was Pajama Day, the first day of our second spirit week! WOOHOO!!! ^.~ Meh friend Uchi let me carry around a Naruto plushie for the first half of the day. Then we traded and I got an....

ICHIGO PLUSHIE!!!!!!!!!!!! *Squees and hold the Ichigo plushie up.* So cute! Right?? ^.^ He's in his soul reaper outfit. The best part is that Uchi was nice enough to let me bring him home for the night!! ^o^ THANK YOU UCHIIII~~~ x3 =3= I am totally getting myself an Uryu plushie the next time I see one.

But anyways, im so happeh! SAMMY CAME HOME FROM CHINA!!! Now I can get the funny Bleach ipod ecards that everyone loves!!! ^__^ Heeheehee.
Everyone remembers my (and probably your) personal favorite. Riiight? *Smirks* if not, then here's your reminder. ^__^

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^_^ I gots to go now. Buh-bai. *waves and makes plushie Ichigo wave too. Skips off carrying Ichigo plushie.*

Happy Earth Day!

OMG! Today is earth day! :O I totally didn't realize that until just now. XD ahahahaha. So plant a tree, RECYCLE!, do anything you can to help our earth! But just because today is earth day, doesn't mean today is the only day we can help. Help out EVERYDAY! Make our earth clean and happy!! *Waves.* Well, I'm off to go recycle! ^_^

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Kyaaaaa~~~~~ My cat and bunny are becoming best friends! Check out this kawaii picture I took while Marshmellow was out of his cage. x3

>3< KYAAAA~~~ SO CUTE!!!! x3 They're becoming besties for life!!!