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Welcome to the World of Jenny~ be prepared for either NOTHING or RANDOM. yeah. good luck~

Like reading? Enjoy Fanfictions? Read mine <3
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For Kelsey-chan! :D

Here's your icon, Kelskeeeey~<3

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:D I hope you likey!


Attention all RPers!

If you are looking for some new fun, listen to my idea! :D lol

I came up with an idea about a month ago when I was doodling in my school notebook. I wanna start an Arrancar Academy RP!! :D

other ideas I've gotten for the RP:
Gin-Vice Principal
All Espada-teachers!

^^ joining arrancar academy will allow you to learn to become your fav espada's fraccion! And possibly the next espada! (Yammy-sama's number ish claimed by Jenny 4EVR!!!! XD)

So if you think this is a good idea and would like to join, plz comment!! ^^

...<insert interesting title here>...

Jenny ish happeeeehhhh. They has brought back teh Espada arc!!! (Jenny missed her master Yammy)

:'( i wish i could post a lot of the new drawings i have... DX i have a ton to submit!!!

...jenny must go to sleep now... nini~


xD i managed to make my own icon slide show thingy!!!! I feel so accomplished <3

that is all~


XDDDD BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! I've been laughing for 5 minutes know stop now!!! Over what?? XDD I HAVE NO FREAKIN' IDEA!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I am happy and i feel accomplisssshheddddd!!!!!!!!

^*is now my cellie wallpaper~~~<333*^
heeheeheeheeheeeeeeeee XDDDDDDD Bwahahahaha maybe a ton of chocolate and 2 bottles of soda wasnt a good idea

XDDD BWAHAHAHAHAHA what the hell am I laughing overrrr~?

I wanna go outside and run in the snoooooooooooow ^3^


ZORRRRROOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs off hyperly*