
My sister made me go see a movie taday and my friend wanted to come, so we ended up seeing Hancock, cuz she thought Wall-E looked gay (Y_Y I think it looks cute). Well anyway it was better than I thought, but still not great......he's a better hero than Superman.........Iron Man was cool and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE NEW BATMAN!!!! Its probably gonna suck, cuz it looks so cool and I'm going in with high expectations......well see in 4 more days HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAA! I wanna go to the midnight showing but I know its probably sold out. LMAO it'd be great though, weird people dressed up like the Ex BF went to the last star wars movie and he said there were a whole bunch of crazies (including him self.......this was back when we were in high school, they started a Jedi Counsel at our lunch table. twas scary being srrounded by a group of people with toy light sabers.) There were even pictures in the news paper next day of a person fully clothed in a storm trooper outfit holding a baby.........were not dorks, we just don't have anything else to do, so its either nerd out on anime, video games and sci-fi movies or do some drugs......or I have read so many times be4 on other peoples worlds, "Anime is my Anti-Drug!"
