Now what to do?

Now that I'm home I wanna spend the next couple of weekends at the movies! I wanna see Wallie....Wall-E (whatever it is) looks so cute ^^
And I wanna see Hancock, I don't think it will be all that great but from what I heard it go a good rating.
And I MUST SEE THE NEW BATMAN MOVIE!!!!!!!! Cuz I luv the Joker, he's my fav. villian (his laugh is so cool!).

But tomorrow I'm gonna go to Books-A-Million with my sister and Uni-Chan. I gotta get some new manga.......O_o I gotta get my permit be4 school starts up again (I go back Aug. 25). I hope my painting class dosen't get cancled! Theres only one other student signed up for it besides myself and I'll have to rearrange my who schdeul if it does. Come on, who dosen't want to paint 8:00 at night?!.....well see what happens...............OMGGG! (= Oh my good golly gosh) its saturday! ANIME!!!!!! Death Note ended last week, it was ok, but the whole thing sucked compared to the manga. AND BLEACH IS STARTING TO PISS ME OFF! The storyline, dialog and the qualitlty of the animation has gone down the crapper, so now I only look foward to watching Code Geass. I wish they'd take Inuyasha off, sorry to those who still like it and watch it, but my attention span only last so long and 8 years (give or take a few) is much too long. I started watching it on Adult Swim when I was in about 6th grade, I'm in college now and even though the last episode has aired, it's still playing! Two episodes every saturday! Atleast take one of them off! Put Cowboy Bebop back on or one of the early Gundam series they used to play! WHAT ABOUT YU YU HAKUSHO! I haven't seen that in a bizzillion years! even Tenchi would be better!

(If you haven't figured it out, I don't like Inuyasha like I used ta. I might even go as far as saying I hate it.)

This post was longer than I ment it to be -_-
