I'm Back!!!!!!! ^^ Have fun readin this long-ass post ^^ anyone who reads it all gets a cookie ^^

OK! So yeah I'm back from my trip. We left the hotel we stayed in over night last night in Georgia, and I just got home (home is in florida) around 6:30 (pm). I was in the car for at least 8 hours today, it sucks we don't live closer to the pan-handle.
We had left our two cats home for the 3 weeks we were gone. We used those big 5 gallon feeders for food and water, and for a litter box we used our old sand box. My grandma, who conviently lives next-door, came over every day to give them wet food and make sure the birds had enough water. She also watched our dog. My friend Uni- Chan watched my fish........she still has my fish! I was too lazy to walk down to her house and get em, I'll go tomorrow. ( Again and again, Thank You Uni-Chan! Oh and Happy Birthday!....her B-day was yesterday!) ^^)
I missed my kitties the most. We were 3 minutes from our house and my mom made us stop and get something to eat, I was starving, I hadn't eatin since 7 in the morning, but I could have lived with it, I just wanted to get home. When we finally pulled into the drive way I jumped outta the car, got hit by the car door, triped, got up and practically tore down the front door. I NEEDED MY KITTY!!!!! I ran in, saw Bella (my black cat), rushed over, Yelled "Yoink!" at the top of my lungs and grabed her before she even new we where home. Twas a happy kitty reunion, till I found all the cat hair and kitty litter all over the place. IT WAS EVERYWHERE!!!!!! There was so much hair, it looked as if a cat had exploded. I spent the first hour just vacuming and I'm still finding hair -_-".
Its nice to be home, I can finally get some sleep! I selpt on the floor for 1 and half weeks at my grandparents house in New York cuz there was only one room with air conditioning. Thats what I hate about up north not alot of people have central air. Plus, the house was ifested with ants, the carpets were pulled up and the staples were exposed. Theres supposingly mice in the walls aswell. Its pretty run down, all the junk was just recently cleaned out (shhh! my grandpa dosen't know all his stuff is gone ^^). No one has lived in that part of the hous for awhile, but one of my cousins lives in the upstairs apartment with her boy frind and their new dog, Rudy. He's a Bull Mastif (spelling?). He's just a puppy, but I had the privlage of seeing 3 full grown ones on this trip and let me just say there HUGE!!!!! The one weighted 210 pounds!
I spent my time in N.Y. visiting my family and having Bar-B-Qs, I never want to eat another hambuger for as long as I live. I went to atleast 5 Bar-B-Q's including the 4th of july party we went to at my mom's cousin's house. We had some good fire works, but not as good as the ones we had their 7 years ago. N.Y. is stirct about having fire works, your not suppose to have any, but that didn't seem to stop the New Yorkers, they started seting crap off as early as 8:00 am. We got some of our own fire works at South of the border on the way up.
N.Y. was some what of a culture shock, the neigborhoods and stores are set up so differently from how they are here. I love driving along and seeing grifitti sprayed on the side of walls and bridges. The best thing about N.Y. though is that it is much much cooler out side! That right I was able to sit out side without burning to a crisp! We didn't get to go into the city, we just stayed on Long Island, but it was fun.
In Pennsyvanya (spelling?) I visited with my dad's twin sister and played with her Boxers. Her one Boxer, Tyler, is a show dog. He's won quite a few ribbons. His father is famous or something like that and his brother won the national champion thing and was or is going to be in that Animal Planet dog show thing.......my aunt is all into this stuff.
I also got to see my Grandma on my dad's side, shes in a rehab center, she had broken that one big bone in the leg and is now learning to bear weight on it again.
I got to play with my cousin's son, he's only 4 I think. The kid needs riddlin, and the fact that his parents aren't all there dosen't help the matter. I feel bad for the kid, they often forget to feed him. He's adorable, the last time I saw him he was only a baby, just born.
I also got to visit my one my mom's brother in Allan Town. Him and my Aunt aren't speaking to anyone in our family, they had a falling out with my grandpa. My mom is the only one who goes out of the way to see talk to them. It was nice to see them. We stayed there for two days and I mostly sat in the backyard and played with there 2 dogs. OH! THIS IS GREAT!!! Their next door neighbor is such an ass hole. He bought the house from his mother for a dollar and ever since then he's been a pain in my uncles side. first he has cameras all over the place, he records and listens to my Aunt and Uncle in their own backyard. Next he's suing them cuz they won't cut the the weeds on the other side of the fence they put up AND this is after the fact that he made them move it over half an inch cuz he was complaing it was on his property. Now he says its not on the property line and the weeds on his side is their responsibility, but he won't let them come over and cut them. He's an ass hole. I couldn't sleep good their either, cuz they live right next to an airport and every time a plane flys over the whole house shakes. Its funny during the day cuz You can watch them takiing off over the house and their so close to the ground. My Uncle had a catipolt awhile ago and he hit one with mashed potatos. You can't hear the person next to ya when the fly over.

I had fun anyway. But like I said its nice to be. I missed florida's beautiful sunsets and its raidiant green grass. I serious the trees and grass up north is such a darker shade of green, it makes the trees here look like there glowing. Florida is where my kitty is. Its where my home is. And its where I'm most comfortable. Its good to be home. Now I'll spend the next week catching up on comments and stuff. ^^

I wonder if anyone finished reading this post, it looks like its gonna be a long one -__-'
