hello people! my name is IvoryDragon....Ivory for short...or just ID if u feel like it...actually my real name is Patrick but just call me IvoryD cuz i dont like Patrick... i am a good friend of a guy named sensei ryuu, both me and sensei are strong christains (tho im not as strong) so if u got a problem u can go jump of a bridge or something!! ... i am really hyper sometimes and can get crazy really eze, as u just saw..i lik to draw manga/anime and im kinda good.my fav manga is probly DBZ,naruto, and Fullmetal Alchemist.....everyone says that DBZ is sooo old and it suks but i think its awesome, if someone just redid the grafics and stuff it would be a sweet TV show. Recently i started to play the Final Fantasy seires (for Ps2) and i hav FF12 WHICH IS POSITIVLY, ABOSOULUTLY, UNDEINABLY THE BEST RPG EVER FOR GAME SYSTEMS!!! on another not, i also luv to write, stories, poems, u name it i write it..lol, im currently writing one inspired by FF12...i guess u could say im funny at times too... i lik a lot of bands including: 3 days grace, paramore, Sum 41, Coheed and Cambria, etc. But my fav band is definetly....LIKIN PARK!!! if u got probs with that u can go stick ur head in a icebox and sufficate urself....see i told u i was funny sometimes...hobbies of mine include:playing WoW (its called world of warcraft), drawing, playing sports, writing, and listening to muzak! i used my funnier side and made a Utube account called ApplecorePruduction just started it so its not really good yet, okay cya guys l8tr!!!!



peace yall

peace...and i no yall are gonna be like..."HOW CAN WE PEACE WHEN I THOUGHT U WERE DEAD!!!!!" well i wasnt, i was just grounded from the comp...which suks!!! grrrrr.... i hate tummy aches...they suck!!!! grrrrr...i hate haircuts to although mine today ended up okay....hrmmmm idk wat i should do .... short hair or long hair....hrmmmmm



hey guys srry i havent gotten on in a while i got grounded from ps2 and comp for a while....well im back nw yaya!!!!

hehe... i called senseii da other day and he suggested a name for r band in the making and the name was....DADA DA!!!....Slackjaw! i thinks its beastly and we still have other band name possibilties but i think that or Raining in Pettysburg or Starfield r the best so far...tell me wat u think of the names and suggest a couple fer me...ty


srry that i havent gone on the O in a while its just that my internet was out of service for a week and the guys nvr came to fix it for a while so... woot woot im back, now im gonna go throw a party for myself

The exploding grill and other short stories

well, yesterday i whent out to grill some chicken for dinner and when i turned on the grill i got a face full of flames... no joke, apparently some propane (my grill is a propane 1) had leaked thru da grill and when i turned it on it ingnited

soooooo now my right arm is a little burnt and some of the hair on my arm is gone... lol, the fire didnt catch on me it just whent around me until i fell back

burnt arm patrick


HAHAHAHA!!! im realllllly happy. here r the resons

1: well, it turns out that y i was away at camp my mom visited a couple vets and talked about the accident that happened with my dog. all of the vets told her it was something called a fluke, which is basically a rare occerance that only happens by accident so...MY MOM SAID WE DONT HAVE TO GIVE MY PUDDY AWAY!!!

2: im gonna be getting my computer back soon so i can play WoW again!!!! (for all of u that didnt no my parents took it away cuz i got in trouble)...YAY!!!