Ugh -_-

So I missed alot of school this week :/
On monday I fell down the staris, smart as I am P: so I didn't go to school Tuesday. Nothin huge right, just some bruises and a cut.
Then I went to school Wednesday made up for a test I missed Tuesday in Civics nad got an assignment for science that I missed.
Then Thursday, I only went to my last class because I had a drama competition for most of the day.
On Friday I had to write my Civics test AGAIN because my teacher lost mine. Then second period I had a Shakespeare workshop with the drama dept and missed science for the third time this week. Then in History I found out about this assignment we were given on Tuesday and we got a class to work on. Agh crap, I just remembered there was another assignment given on Friday, but I spent the whole class working on the one I missed. :/ At least that ones not due til Friday, and we were only supposed to start notes on it ...

Anyway, my dilemma is that NONE of the notes I missed are on the school website, as my Civics teacher promised. Have you ever taken Civics? Theres alot of notes, and I missed four days of them :(
Also, th assignment I missed in science is supposed to be online, but when I type in the web adress, I get the 'this page is not availabe/ my not exist' thing. Thers notes I missed in science too, and we're starting chemistry soon >.<

So basically, I've got one of the three things I wanted to do this weekend done.
*sigh* Well, in other news, my mom still hasn't taken my ex off her facebook and happily informed me that he is now in a relationship with a girl named Kylie. I was kinda indifferent other than a silent "... his finally moved on :)"
Then I realized who Kylie is, which is kinda funy. She's my brother's friend, and I met her at the Shakepeare workshaop. She was wearing this yellow and black sweater that I thought looked familiar... It's Billy's.
So now that I know he's actually moved on, I don't have to worry about him anymore :) I still feel kinda bad sometimes because I know I really hurt him when I ended out relaionship, but that wasn't my intention.

Billy, I still don't want to 'be friends' (we're way past that now), but I am glad you're working at being happy :)
