Hospital Music

So I'm listening to this CD, Hospital Music by Matthew Good, becaseu I haven't listened to it at all since I got into Joel Plaskett. I went to a Matt Good concert on Thursday and it was fuckin awesome.
No jokes, one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Its a second to Dean Lickyer at Rockbar :)
I was kinda worried because he gets in these moods where he's really cynical and meloncholy (don't know if I spelled that right ... ) and the shows aren't too great. But the third song he did was Load Me Up, one of my all time favourites. By the third verse everyone was on their feet, singing and dancing. So he hits a chord and starts the first line, and the audience fills in the rest :D
"Picture yourself at the MGM grand
Murphy's fighting Occam, you're in the stands
You're in the stands and ... "
Then it goes on and the audience goes crazy, and I knew it would a great show. He also did Born Losers, Us Remains Impossible, and *Apparitions*
Its not a Matt Good show without Apparitions ♥
Afterwards, dad was all retarded and started singing in the lobby, but I put a stop to that pretty damn fast :P I love him, but he can't sing for shit.
Oh damn, gotta change the song, this one makes me cry...
