Kameko :)

I walked slowly through the halls, running mt hands along the wallpaper, which eventually turned to old wood panneling. I knew I was close to the banquet hall wherethe New Years dinner was being held.
I insisted on going my self. Mother insisted I not. I won, of course. Hehe, she needs to learn that her little girl can survive in the world on her own.
As I neared the banquet hall, I could hear hushed and awkward conversation. I found the door after a moment and entered.
I stood for a moment, listening to find where I had to go. I felt a small hand pull at my own. Mai gently led me to my place at the table and we sat down. I listened to the hum of conversation, zoning in and out.


I have a question ... what is god's name?
Also, I hope you dont mind me using Mai ^^
(And sorry I don't have much here. I figured I should just get my character in ... :P)
