When was the last time I wrote?

Hmm, too long ago I think.
I think I'll pick up where I left off; Joel Plaskett.

The concert was amazing. Joel and his friend, whose name escpaes me, did alot of talking and joking. At one point Joel told us about when he opened for Paul McCartney and he was standing in front of thousands of people, alll waiting for him to do something entertaining, and he was tuning his twelve string guitar.
"Its every musicians dream, to open for a Beatle, but its evey musicians worst nightmare ... tuning a twelve string on stage."
At one point, his guitar string snapped and he goes "Aw shoot, not again! This happened last night too."
So this guy sitting in front of us goes "Want me to fix that for you?"
"Yeah actually, would you mind? That'd be a great help."
After the show we ran into that guy and he said it was the best moment in his life. "One day, when I get married, I'm going to tell my wife that that was the best, including her."
After the show we hung around the stage, I wanted to get a pick or set list or something. Then I realized Joel doesn't do set lists, and the show was acoustic. So we hung around in the lobby and then I got a picture and an autograph. :D
After the show my dad took us to this weird party thing. It was kind of random, glow sticks and a DJ, but everyone there was my dad's age. So we were talking to the lady who was hosting and she said next time she had a party she'd call us and have us come help and hang out or whatever. So thats pretty cool.

Besides that, I had a weird dream last night. I was at school and so was my friend Aaron, but he switched schools last year. So me and him were goofing aroud and he was tickling me and I was yelling at him and laughing, then he just randomly leaned over and kissed me. After that, I remember being at a hospital with Alana. We were sitting on a picnic table and she was leaning against my knees. I was looking into the windows. In one window, there were a whole bunch of people having some kind of "Get-Better/You're-Recovering!" party. In the other window was Aaron, just sitting there, laughing and playing with the IV stuck in his right hand.
Then I realized that it was 12:45 and I was late for fourth. So I ran back to the school and then just decided to skip. So I went to the auditorium to watch the the grade 12 grad rehearsal. I was sitting in this balcony thing and my friend Ian came to talk to me, because fourth period is his lunch. Then the guidance councelor came and yelled at me. I don't even know how she knew my name or that I was supposed to be in class, but whatever. So I went to the office and told the secretary that I needed a note to get into class because I was late because my friend was in the hospital. So the secretary felt really bad for me a wrote a note to my teacher.

That was my dream. Its weird, because lately I've been talking to Ian alot. We were texting all last night and the past couple of days. For a while I was kind of leary because I don't want a boyfriend so soon after Billy (not too mention Billy is still in some kind of denial and won't leave me be) and we're not in the same grade so we don't have the same lunch hour and we'd never see each other. I met Ian in my Drama class. I took the grade eleven course because theres no grade ten one. Thus, we only have one class together.
After that dream I think I'm trying to tell myself something. The only truly weird thing about this whole deal is that Aaron and I constantly claim to be brother and sister. He calls my parents mom and dad. And he defends me with a 'brotherly love'. Also I know he's not ready for another girl in his life because his heart broke after his last girlfriend. He says he doesn't beleive love is worth the pain it causes. I keep trying to tell him love is only painful if you let it be. I could be bitching and whining about Billy right now but I'm too excited to be starting a new chapter in my life to bother.

I think I've babbled myself out. I've got to do my math homework before I run out of time and get on my teacher's bad side again.
