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Do we mean the things we do, do we do the things we mean?

October 6th is my new favourite day.

Guess whats happening on October 6th?
No.1)Matthew Good releases Vancouver.
No.2)Dean Lickyer releases their first CD (this doesn't include the EP sold at concerts) and the name is beyond my findings (but I shall find it, oh yes, I will.)
No.3)14 months for me and Billy.
No.4)Exactly one week after my sold out Great Big Sea Concert, yes I'm bragging, but its my world so I can.

I'm spazzing out just thinking about it.


Thats my Matthew Broderick scream. You can see it in The Producers.

Um, so ... yeah.
I just wathced Waynes World. Can anyone tell Garth's last name? I put
"If she were the president she would be Babe-raham Lincoln." - Garth Brooks.

But my friend corrected me I dunno his last name so I feel like an idiot. Someboody save me :)


I'm on Matthew Good's website everyday, and guess what I found!!! It was all redesigned for . . . (wait for it) . . . VANCOUVER!!!
*New CD release!!!*
Now I'm praying to the Gods of Indie Music, please give us a tour!!! We haven't seen him since last summer. Its about time he got his ass off the computer and out of his basement. He's gained weight from his blogging and constant research. He used to be all skinny and intense, now he looks like a mobster. A tour would do him good.
He's so pessimistic. He hates pretty much everything except Parker, his job (aside from music he's a movie usher in a town so small the only bar is a strip joint), and British Columbia.
I quote:
"Stupid is everywhere, it permeates everything. Popular culture is stupid and so is counterculture, which only exists to hopefully become popular culture, meaning that stupid strives to become stupid – which is a double negative and therefore stupid."

He needs a tour. On his live album you could tell he was having a shitload of fun makling fun of the ban,d talking with the audience, demanding beer, and playing his music.
I Facebooked him (facebook should not be considered a verb but seems to have become one). I asked him for a tour, please. See, I said please. We need a tour.

Get out of the house! Quit blogging! As much as we are all interested in how idiotic some people can be, we're much more interested in you! We don't read your blog because its interesting (well,kind of, yeah, but thats beside the point), we read it in hopes of you saying "So, I'm going on tour. Heres where I'm playing and heres where you can buy tickets."

Go. On. Tour.

Somebody Help Me With This . . .

OKay, I was reading Matthew Good's blog again just now and I came across a very odd quote. Matthew lives with Parker, who is mathematically gifted to the point of insnaity. She gets migraines if her mind isnt busy and often wakes up in the night to scribble an equation on a dry-erase board in the kitchen. One night Matthew came into the kitchen to d=find the answer to an equation on the board. he could see that she had been working on it for a while becasue there were marks from others scribbles she'd erase.
The answer to her equation was this:

= if information is power, power controls information. If control is the opposite of freedom then freedom controls the right to be stupid. Possessing the right to be stupid is precisely why stupid is in charge.

I've been repeating it in my head and out loud over and over and I think I've almost got it, then it slips away and I'm left thinking "This woman was insane, or incredibly brilliant. Probably the latter."

What I've got is:
info = power
power > info
control /=/ freedom
freedom = stupid
stupid = power

I myself have no idea what I just wrote means. I thought looking at it in some kind of formula would help me understand her thinking, but obviously not.

"We're a Dying Breed"

My friend posted this stupid list of things a good boyfriend does, and I think he's totally retarded. So, I have countered his list with my own. This is a list of things I do, have done, and think.
If you make your own list, let me know, 'cause I want to read it.

We are a dying breed. We are the ones who:
-wear knee socks.
-scream when the toast pops.
-chew other peoples gum.
-dance like they did in the 80s.
-eat bread.
-shoot staples at people.
-wear coloured eyeliner.
-tie our shoes.
-paint our fingers a few different colours.
-bake cookies because its a wednesday.
-talk on the phone about everything that happened like ten minutes ago.
-eat the red smarties first, one at a time, just because we can.
-have no secrets.
-can't sit still for ten seconds.
-call shotgun.
-are brutally honest.
-laugh out of context.
-have inside jokes that come into conversations where they don't apply.
-fix stuff with tape.
-swim while wearing socks.
-stick our tongue out when they're not looking.
-wear badass cowboy hats.
-keep the rocks we find.
-love sharpie markers.
-are full of profanity.
-play with matches, because they're cooler than lighters.
-refuse to wear a scarf in August, even though 'everyone is doind it'.
-have a desire to drive a tank or some kind of army vehicle.
-put on rediculous amounts of makeup
-hate one-hit-wonders.
-eat chocolate chips.
-have stitched our name into something we own at one point or another.
-can only kind-of type without looking.
-have better things to do at the beach then lay around tanning.
-read the book and saw the movie (the movie sucked).
-sleep on the couch because the bed is too far away.
-eat pancakes for dinner.
-watch the first three episodes of American Idol to laugh at the people who suck.
-popped a joint, much to the disgust of surrounding people.
-watched the same movie until we knew it by heart.
-think lightening is pretty.
-have heard "Never heard of 'em" at least a thousand times.
-sing outloud to music only we can hear.
-have coloured a whole sheet of paper with a highliter.
-have ironed out clothes with a hair strightener.
-displayed our mad skills at school talent shows.
-lick our lips.
-own something we're absolutly sure no one else does.
-play air guitar, even though it doesn't look like that with a real guitarist.
-have done our hair with elastic bands.
-make and keep rediculous promises.
-need to know for sure if the plants are real.
-have fallen asleep in class and still got the answer right upon awakening.
-think that everyone looks exactly like everyone else (with some exceptions).
-turn off all the lights before bed then can't find the bed.
-have painted a room all by ourselves.
-will walk halfway across town because only one store has exactly what we want.
-won't eat fish because of Finding Nemo. Fish are friends, not food.
-keep adding time on the microwave so that every single kernal pops.
-admire people who use extra effort when making a smiley and use the equal sign.
-have read the biography for someone we've never heard of.
-take the time to counter people's rediculous facebook notes.

Dear San Diego

Right now I feel kind of dead. I'm very bored, and I have the whole house to myself. My mom and brothers went hiking, but I couldn't go because I have to go to work later. So I'm contemplating.
I could catch up on Bleach, long since abandoned after I was discovered watching it on YouTube in the early hours of the morning.
I could reach some books. I recently bought Under the Volcano by Malcom Lowry, 1984 by George Orwell, Wicked by some guy whose name I can't remember and Dragenhaven, a totally random book bought for no other reason than it was six dollars and I have a members card.
I could go for a bike ride. I don't want to because I don't have my Ipod. I hate the thoughts that come to me when I have nothing to distract me from myself.

Would you like to hear a secret? I have been thinking of developing an alternate personality. I think I will name her Saul after the stoner in Pineapple Express. She will be the person who does the things I wish I could do, like mouth off or colour outside of the lines, she could be the person who actually did and said the things I would think I should do. Make sense? I didn't think so.

I've also been reading Matthew Good's blog today. Its called 'Dear San Diego' and you can find it on his website (matthewgood.org). Click the link that says 'A notebook, a town, a couch, a movie usher, a paranoid mathematician, and 173 different drinking glasses.'
I think its actually a diary, but its hard to tell. His life couldn't really be that interesting could it?
He lives with Parker, a woman who is medically diagnosed as mentally instable, but she says its easier to sleep knowing you really are crazy. One day Matthew and Parker went fora walk and found a tennis shoe with a foot inside so they called the police. The police found the rest of the person scattered around the area. I wouldn't have been as calm ...
He has a brother named Lou, who lost his job as a fry cook because 'you need two arms to flip burgers.' He lost his arm when a Volkswagon Bug blew up and the bumper took his arm off from just below the shoulder.
Where I'm reading right now I beleive is February of 2007. His neighbour, Ronny, died. After telling of his death by ceiling fan, Matthew goes on to tell of a time when they broke up a fight outside the local biker bar/strip joint called Bikini Mountain. Matthew received a beer bottle to the head and stiches while Ronny got a broken arm.

Uh oh, there goes the church bells, I beleive someone is dead. They only ring the bells before mass, and since today is neither sunday morning nor saturday afternoon, there could not possibly be a mass.

Do you know what today is? Thursday August the sixth, 2009.
Today marks one year that my boyfriend, Billy, and I have been dating. its not as momentous as one would think. I haven't had a chance to talk to him, because he doesn't get off work til three, and I have to be at work for five thirty. I think tomorrow will be more of what you'd expect from this ... 'anniversary.' It feels odd calling it that. Even more so hearing it from others who have texted me or my mom telling me how happy she is for us. Its just odd. I've kind of stopped thinking of him as my boyfriend, and more of as Billy. Just Billy, who has been in my life for such a short time, but whom I already care so much for a may even be in love with.

Wow, that doesn't sound like me at all. Oh shit, am I supposed to get him something? What do I get? We're going to the ROM tomorrow. For those of you who don't know, thats the Royal Ontario Museum. Theres a featured exhibit on the Dead Sea Scrolls I'm looking forward to.
Rambling again. Wow this must be a long post, I've been sitting here for a while.

I just reread everything I wrote. Theres seems so be a barely definable thought pattern.

This is a picture I found on his websire. Its a truck he keeps having dreams about.

And no, its not random, I just felt that this post needed a picture.

I'm going to see whats up with those bells. Theyre so loud.
Haha, thats exactly what L said the day he died. Fingers crossed for a safe return home.
If I don't comment or write or anything within the next week, I may be dead ;)