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Do we mean the things we do, do we do the things we mean?


And I'm getting tickets and so help me god MERCH SHALL BE MINE! Damn presale passed me by, if only I had a credit card ... I wanted the limited edition vynal. Sigh. It would look great between Elton John and The Beatles ...
And Joel Plaskett. But before Matt and I've seen him before.
I'm going to see Matt Good!I'm going to see Matt Good!I'm going to see Matt Good!Nananananana!
Excuse the moment of immaturity. You should have seen the dance I did when the sarcstic 'NOPE (sorry)' icon was gone from the shows page. My dad's going to buy us tickets on Friday. I'm gonna sneak out of class (or maybe skip first) so I can call him and REIMND HIM cause if we're not quick as hell, we're not gattin any tickets.
Kay, tired now. School tomorrow. Bleh.

Rocket Queen

Yeah, so I'm still reading Watch You Bleed, and I read this part about recording their first album, Appetite for Destruction. The song Rocket Queen is about this girl Axl knew who had a really rough life and ended up a coke addict slut or something, and she wanted to start a band and call it Rocket Queen. So Axl wrote this song for her. They had her some listen to it before they put it on the CD and she loved it. If you've heard this song, you know that near the end, theres a girl moaning. Thats the Rocket Queen. They actually recoreded her having sex with Axl and put it on the CD. You know, I think its their best song too.

Anyways, I think its time to start hating Mondays again.


Jesus christ I feel like fucking screaming!
1)I don't want to go to school tomorrow
2)I'm fucking tired
3)That concert was fucking awsome

So now that I'm organised, I can write an organised post.

So school starts tomorrow. I'm not ready because the weather this summer was too crappy. Not even sunshine. I resent a lyric that goes "Half an hour of sunshine is worth a week of rain."
Thats bullshit.

I'm tired because. Thats all.

I went to see Dean Lickyer at Rokbar in Hamilton last Thursday AND IT WAS FUCKING AWSOME! I'm not even kidding.
There were these other bands there, Gruve and City Sirens. Gruve was okay, but you could tell they just aren't THERE yet. Three guys with drums a guitar and a bass. Not bad, not great. Best part of their show was when guitar guy hit his head off bass guy's bass. But he kept going, so to them I say, "Work at it, kay? You'll get THERE eventually."
Then City Sirens came on. I was kind of skeptical because they had two guitarists and I had met the drummer at the merch stand two hours previously. Then I thought, 'Guns'n'Roses had two guitarists, so whatever. These guys are pretty tight."
Then, it happened. Sean took the stage, plugged in his guitar and let it go!
Justin's bass was flying, Eric's drums were on fire and Josh startedd at it with Summer Man.
Fucking. Amazing.
I had the best time. Before they went on i met Eric at the merch stand while I was talking to the drummer guy, then Josh went by with his girlfriend and I gota picture. Then we saw Justin talking with this redhead guy. Then Sean came over and I had to get a picture with him because he shreds. I kinda felt bad, because I'm 5 feet 6 inches as it is, plus the three inch heels I was wearing that night I DWARFED him. He's short. He shreds, but he's short.
That was just the best night ever, I can't wait to tell the guys at school.
They eneded the initial show at quarter after one, and we were all like "WHAT?!? this place closes at two! Encore!!"
And we got our encore. Complete with a Teenage Wasteland cover. Too bad I was deaf at that point. All I could hear was the guitar and I thought "Why is this so familiar?" Sean was playing the keyboard intro on his red guitar. I love Sean's red guitar.
Then, Sean goes into this solo, totally insane, something totally unheard, and Josh climbs the tech tower. I would not lie to you about this, he climbed the tech tower and hung above us as we screamed and danced! Then he jumped down and him and Sean did my favourite routine.
Sean played the notes on his RED guitar and Josh replied with the same notes, singing "Nananana!"

Kay, so now I'm tired and I have to get ready for school. Night and good luck inthe upcoming year :)

Tis Sean (right) and Josh (left) playing and singing the Nanana routine. LOVE IT!

Its so . . . redundant.

My music spiel copntinues with an observation.
Joel Plaskett is an incredibly redundant man.
He actually repeats several lines and concept throughout all of his albums.
Heres a few that come up most often:

the Berlin Wall
lipstick traces on clothes
set your sails/ set my sails
tweedle dum, tweedle dee
good things come to those who ...
feeling blue
laying in the grass
go where i go on my own two feet
two winters long
whole new set of stars
do as I'm told

He says these things pepeatedly throughout all of his albums. Its confusing because you think he sings a line, and what you expect to come doesn't. Its something totally different.

Thats all I have to say about him. I'm still really preoccupied with Dean Lickyer. I CANT DFUCKING WAIT!
Today is Monday. That means theres just Tuesday, Wednesday, and finally Thursday!!!
Its gonna kill me to sit through work for two and a half hours. I know, its not that long, but still. It'll drive me insane. I'll probably finish everything and read the KISS biogrphy. You know, KISS gave DL ten grand to get them started.

I'm still working on Watch you bleed. Did you know the same guy who made Motley Crue big, was also the guy who made Guns big? All he had to do was drop a few names, (you know, Aerosmith, Stones, etc.) and BAM! Axl goes "We're signing with him." and there was no arguing. The band loved him.

I'm all over the place right now. Can't think straight. I'm going to go read Matt's blog and become infuriated with the government.

More Dean Lickyer (I'm officially obsessed.)

Kay, so my facebook told me Dean Lickyer is playing their last all ages show for a while, so I asked my dad to take me. He said yes XD
I'm very excited. I wanted to get a new outfit for the show because its at this upscale kinda bar in Hamilton.
I'm a little worried because originially it was tickets at te door, and now theres presale tickets. So I have to talk to dad about that too. I'm also worried because it said "If you are over 19, click here. If you are younger than 19 but older than 16, click here."
Does that mean I have to be 17? Goddamn rockstars. They're all hot shit because they're 19 now, so they can drink if they want to. So they're all like "Fuck you people, we want the adult audience."
Makes me sad. I have a theory that rockstars are all really sad people. Its like they've got the fame and the money, you know the whole 'sex-drugs-rocknroll' thing.
I've finished the Heroine Diaries, so now I'm onto Watch You Bleed, the Guns'n'Roses Saga. It really is all about drugs and glam. Dean Lickyer is hugely inspired by the early eighties. I'm talking the Rolling Stones (Joshua dances like Mick Jagger O.o), Led Zepplin, The Who. These were the same guys that inspired Gun'n'Roses and Motley Crue.
Nikki Sixx did heroine. Wanna know why?
"You throw up the first time you take heroine. It was terrible. I thought 'This is such a stupid drug', but I kept doing it because all my heroes did it."
I want to give them my copy of the heroine diaries. I really don't want them to be all fucked up like Nikki was.
(Totally off topic) You know how Guns'n'Roses first got noticed? Axl and Izzy were in a bar on Sunset strip and David Lee Roth came up to them and started talking to them. Later they found out he thought they were Motley Crue. That same night Nikki and Vince leaned over the rail of the VIP section to get a closer look at them. Later, Nikki and Slash became heroine buddies during Motley's 1986 tour. That was when Slash saw Nikki die for the second time in his life.
Nikki Sixx owes his life to two teenage girls who begged the EMTs to try to revive him just one more time. They did and he lived.
(Back to current topic) I'm just really afraid Dean Lickyer is going to end up like them. I mean they lived, but alot of other people's lives were lost or just totally fucked up because they were stupid. I mean theres motive right? Nikki did drugs becasue a)his heroes did it, b) he wanted to be a rockstar and thats what rockstars do, and c)he had a very broken childhood.
The thing is, back in the eighties if you wanted to be a rockstar, you went to LA. When you got there, you hung around outside of clubs to get noticed. You learned, got a reputation. Then you tried to start a band. When you're band doesnt get gigs, you deal heroine 'cause god knows you need the money. Don't look at me like that. Rockstars love heroine. Smuggled illegally from Iran, usually cheap, and it'll make you higher than a kite once you get past the dope-sickness. Thing is its almost as addictive as methadone, and thats almost impossible to get off of once you're hooked.