this is what happens when you put off writing a paper:

And yes, that is a rather sizable bag of peanut-butter M&Ms amidst the flurry of papers. I needed brain-food.

So as you all can see as displayed in the image above, I'm trying [unsuccessfully] to write my current English paper. It seems like a moot point to be putting forth such an effort on it when the momentous amount of work I put into the last one went unrewarded. But, alas, I am a perfectionist and I have a constant need to be the best so I'm going to try my hardest to make this paper the best of the bunch. The rest of the people in my English class can suck it.

I have until tomorrow morning to finish a paper that is only about 1/3 done. It's 10 o'clock at night. That gives me roughly 11 hours to finish this paper minus the time that I will inevitably have to go to sleep and get ready tomorrow morning. I'd probably give myself until 2 to finish this paper and that's pushing it because I need my beauty sleep. But I also take forever to finish papers. I'll probably have this thing written by midnight [God willing] and then I'll go back to proof-read it and realize that it's crap and make a rash, late-at-night-decision to rewrite the paper and then I'll be up 'til some ungodly hour of the morning rewriting a perfectly good paper that didn't need to be rewritten. I'm betting that Murphy's law is going to kick my butt with this paper.

How's that for optimism?! [facepalm]

No. I will write this paper, it won't take for-freakin'-ever and it will be good. I will get a well-deserved A on this thing and I will be pleased with my work. <- Positive reinforcement.

Wish me luck.
