I wonder if being stupid hurts?

So, today sucked. Like really sucked. I've been a little bit upset all day--but tried to push it out of my mind because I had to do a drama at youth group tonight. I haven't been feeling well and was having a bit of a bad day; but upon arrival at youth group things were looking up. They wouldn't stay so for long. I was using the computer to sign people in when I accessed my Facebook account. Apparently I either forgot to log-out or someone hacked my Facebook because these two stupid boys from my youth group got on and posted this ridiculous picture as my profile picture. Normally this would just piss the hell out of me, but considering the already delicate state of my psyche, I broke down. Sobbing, freaking out, the whole deal. Who the hell hacks someone's Facebook and changes their picture?! Yeah, I get it, it was a prank--but really?! Really?!?!?! I'm so tired of these people bugging me. Sick and tired of it. Why me? Yeah, it gets a rise out of me; but don't they realize that this could seriously be the straw that broke the camal's back? You never know what people are going through so why be mean to them? I had a horrible day and this crap just made it worse...
