Do you know what that sound is, Highness? Those are the shrieking eels!

I'm watching The Princess Bride. Because it's the best movie ever made. And one of my favourite movies.

I know I haven't posted anything in a while. It's not like I've been busy, because I haven't, quite the opposite. There's just nothing interesting to write about. School is school. We start second semester classes next Tuesday as well as internships. So I'll be taking Argumentative Writing/British Literature and American History as well as interning at the school and eventually the library.

I've taken up reading Vampire Knight--and it's totally stolen my soul. I've been reading scanlations online since last Friday and really have only stopped when forced off the Internet. One such time when I was forced off the Internet, I decided to, instead, watch Fruits Basket and I came to a startling conclusion. There are cracks in my Fruits Basket DVDs. I think it's a combination of my crappy disc drive on my laptop and poor quality DVDs. But I was still depressed. I'm going to have to replace them, because I love Fruits Basket and I want to watch it...
