these are the times when a time-machine would come in handy

then I could flash-foward two freaking hours and check my damn SAT scores already. But as it is, I don't have a time machine so I'm officially being a loser and staying up late so that I can go to collegeboard's website at 12:01 and check my scores, because they're supposedly up on December 22. I don't now if that means they're automatically up at the first possible moment of the 22--but I sure as heck am gonna look to see.

I'll check back in later if I get them so I can either go all weepy-emo if I failed, or happy/braggy if I didn't fail.


Fact 1- When you're nervous/excited/freaking out about something, the webpage will take FOREVER to load.

Fact 2- The College Board doesn't understand the definition of December 22. It's December 22. Where my SAT scores be at? It's been December 22 for 10 minutes. I want my scores. I stayed up late for them. Where are they? Hmmm?

Ok, I'm checking again in the morning, because I really need to go to bed before I throw a fit.
