Christmas Tree Fail

So, we got our Christmas tree this morning. My cousin and her fiance came up for a visit so we took them out to the tree farm so we could cut down our own tree. Everthing was going good, we had the tree up, lights and ornaments on it. Everything. My cousin, sister and I were just sitting in the living room hanging out, my dad was outside working, my cousin's fiance went into town, my mom was on the computer, when all of a sudden....CRAAAASH. Our tree fell over. With all of my mom's breakable ornaments on it and everything. So all of us vaulted off the couch and tried to rescue ornaments, luckily none of them are broken...but our tree is leaning against a window while my dad is running to Lowes to get us a new tree-stnad. [sighs] Hopefully it won't take too long to figure out how to put the tree back up and redecorate it.
