Dear, temporomandibular joint. I hate you.

I'm dead serious. For those of you who don't know, the TMJ is the joint that hinges the jaw to the skull. And it sucks when it locks up. I grind my teeth and clench them when I'm stressed [which, surprise surprise, I am right now] so my jaw has basically been useless all day. It was a challenge to eat yogurt. YOGURT! I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to fit the spoon it. And it took me 20 minutes to eat a banana because I kept having to just pull off tiny chunks that I couldn't really chew all that well. It feels like someone punched the left side of my jaw and it's all swollen...but it's not swollen. It just feels that way. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to hopefully fix it, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. But it's driving me insane, I can't talk, can't eat, can barely move my head! It hurts so freakin' bad, I just want to cry! :(
