a dreary Thursday afternoon

I'm wearing a pair of cut-off jean shorts in order to revolt against the weather. [It's super cold and rainy.] I also have to have knee-high knit socks to keep my legs warm, but I've still got the shorts on. Take that, Weather!

Today, I officially changed my Facebook langauge to "pirate". It's the coolest thing ever. If you have a Facebook go to "settings" -> "language" -> "English (Pirate)". Reading all of the pirate-y things on my Facebook pages has made my day.

My sister and I are going to go see "Where the Wild Things Are" tomorrow. I'm soooo excited about this movie. When I first heard about it last winter I started counting down the days, and now it's finally here!!! I'm so excited. This movie is [hopefully] going to be epic.

I probably should be writing my Creative Writing paper right now...but I'm kind of tired and can't think of anything to write.

And that's all I have to say about that.
