Sugar <3

I've had a rough last couple of days emotionally. I've been having a tough time because I'm worried that I won't be able to afford the college I really want to attend, and I've been having doubts that I'll be able to teach once I graduate. I've wanted to be a teacher since I was little, so it was upsetting to have to look at my dreams realisitcally and see if teaching was something I could do. I substitute taught on Friday and the kids I taught thought I was mean--and the older girls I teach dance to think I'm too tough as well. So I was disheartened, and I've been really upset about it the last couple of day--kind of praying for a sign that I'm on the right track with this whole teaching thing.

My sign came in the form of a sugar cookie. With strawberry icing.

One of the 3 year olds I teach dance to ran up to me today before class, brandishing this cookie. She handed it to me and smiled. I, having never recieved a gift from a student before, was dumbstruck and stupidly asked, "Is this for me?" "Yeah," she replied and then smiled again, "it has strawberry icing." "I love strawberry," I replied trying not to get choked up over a little cookie that I saw as my sign that I am doing something right.

But it just goes to show, everybody needs a little sugar once in a while. :)
