The Beginning of the End.

So I did not make it through my first day of Senior Year without crying. I kind of got overwhelmed because we had to sign up for our community college courses and I was freaked out because I thought I was going to have to take Chemistry [along with my highschool advanced biology] but, I had a long talk with my mom--where I cried, because I was overwhelmed--and she looked up the college I want to attend and lo and behold, I don't need Chemistry. So Chemistry, screw you. I also didn't want to take Introduction to Math or whatever the heck I needed to take, because Anatomy and Physiology [my advanced bio that I am required to take to graduate high school] is going to be intense. Our teacher seriously told us, you're going to have a really hard work-load. Gee, thanks for the comforting thoughts. So instead of taking Math or Chemistry I'm taking Creative Writing. So this semester I have Christian Worldview [that might as well not be a class, more like nap-time] and then Anatomy and Physiology [which I might end up liking, because I like Biology] and then I'm taking Creative Writing for college credit.

Hooray for senior year. It's either going to be phenominal or terrifying. Or both.

Probably both.
