Holy Cow

So I just got a phone call from one of the colleges I've been looking into. It's not one of the ones that I visited last week. I went there last year sometime. And then out of the blue I get this phone call--I'm assuming it's because they got my SAT scores--where the admissions person said they were willing to offer me an academic scholarship to attend their college next year. So I called them back, gave them my GPA and some other infromation and the lady gave me a ballpark figure for what they're offering me so I cand attend their college. $16,000. Per year. Holy !@#$. I was like 'are you kidding me?!'. It's a private college so it's north of $25,000 a year to attend there...but they're offering me pretty much half of my tuition if I attend there.

So, to pay for the rest of that tuition, I start work today. I am once again a shoe-fitter at the dance studio. Actually, I don't know if I'm fitting shoes this year. Supposedly my boss is bringing in another girl to help me and it's really not that tough or demanding of a job so I don't see why I would need help...but hey whatever. I just hope I'm not dealing with any of the paperwork. That would suck, I always screw up the paperwork... [facepalm]
