Rain and Movies

So we were going to go on a missions project today and go stain at some elderly lady's house...but it's pouring down rain. So we can't go. We're going to try to do it tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be dry by then.

It was brought to my attention yesterday evening that Studio Ghibli's most recent movie is about to be released in the US. So I finally got to see the trailer in English. And I have to say the movie looks good, but the people Disney chose for the voices don't. Miley Cyrus' little sister and the Jonas Brother's little brother? Really? But the movie comes out the same day as The Time Traveler's Wife, so I guess I won't go see it next Friday...and I can't go next Saturday because I have to work. But I do want to see it, despite the sucky voice casting. The only redeeming quality is Crispin Freeman is doing some kind of part in it [he's listed under 'additional voices' on Wikipedia] and Liam Neeson is in it. And I LOVE Liam Neeson's voice.
