Senior Stuff

So considering I'm a rising senior, I got to take senior pictures today. A friend of mine is a really good photographer. She graduated from my school about three years ago and she's in college now so she's home for summer. It was easier taking pictures with her than it would've been with someone who worked at a studio--we had a lot more freedom. So it was my twin and I, our lovely photographer friend and then another friend who came to help out. We went all over town--we live in a really historic town--and took pictures. We went out by the river some and then to a lake and then a ton at the college, and some alleyways and an old mill. It was a ton of fun, but it was really hot and we all got really hungry. So hopefully we'll have gotten some really cool shots. I'm looking forward to seeing them.

Nothing else noteworthy has happened...I'm going on a missions project tomorrow. Get to stain/paint at an elderly lady's house tomorrow. That should be fun. Maybe I'll write about that tomorrow...
