"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." --2 Corinthians 3:3

voi ch'intrate

Senior Solo

I found out at ballet class last night that seniors are indeed allowed to perform senior pieces, either a solo or a duo. There's no way that I'd ever do a duo with any of the girls I dance with, so hopefully I'll get a solo spot...considering I've already picked out a song and choreographed part of it, I'm really hoping I can do that solo!! I gave my freinds a vote on what I should dance to and they chose "The Chairman's Waltz" from Memiors of a Geisha. So I want to get my Otaku friends' opinion on the song. So please listen to it and tell me what you think!!

Hooray for Not Improving Whatsoever.

So, a couple of days ago I got on and emo-posted about my 76% on my Anatomy test. And you guys were super-supportive [which I'm thankful for] and told me to try my best on this next test. So I studied and really did the best I could. And guess what grade I got? 76%. Absolutely NO improvement from my previous grade. So I totally studied for it and everything and still didn't do well. Grrr. At least like 3 other people failed with me this time... [shakes head]

Oh well. I guess I did my best?

Why are titles requiered?

So, Nick and Nora's Infinate Playlist has made me believe that even losers can find love. And that music is the glue that holds everyone together. As is gum.

And that totally just went over people's heads, unless you've seen this movie. Which I have to say is currently one of my favourite movies. So yeah, pretty epic.

And completely random.

No school tomorrow!

I hate this.

So I effing hate Anatomy now. I pretty much failed the first test. Lowest grade in the class right here. So I suck and pretty much hate myself now. I got lower than this ditzy, ridiculously girly chick in my class. How the hell did I get the lowest grade in the freaking class? I don't understand. I studied for that stupid test. I STUDIED. And now I'm crying about it like a stupid baby. This is ridiculous. I hate this. Life sucks right now. Nobody seems to care. Which is understandable. I'm useless and stupid. Why would anyone care...



So Senior Year: Week One was a roller-coaster ride. And not a particularly fun roller-coaster. Admittedly, it did have its good points but it had it's absolutely awful points as well. Most of my classes are good. I'm taking Christian Worldview, which I think I've said before. And it's effing boring. Anatomy and Physiology is hard, but not overly so. It's really not that bad. It's not as bad as my teacher made it out to be. And I'm taking an online course at the local community college for Creative Writing...which is going ok. I'm excited about it. Hopefully once dance starts back up I'll still be able to handle my crap. I'm trying not to stress about it. It's not working, but I'm trying.