"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." --2 Corinthians 3:3

voi ch'intrate

And Now, The Waiting.

Took the SAT this morning. Four hours of my life gone. It wasn't so bad, actually. It was tedious more than anything. Some of the math was hard, but I answered everything and could make educated guesses on the things I didn't know. Ok, so I essentially BS'ed a couple of my answers, but whatever. I was sure of ALL of my answers on the grammar/wrintg/vocabulary portion of it. My essay was [in my opinion] crap, but I always have a rather skewed view of my writing. I'll know what my score is in a couple of weeks--and I think this waiting will be the worst part. I want to KNOW how I did. Argh.

So, now with this out of my way, I'm officially on summer vacation. I'm so excited to be able to sleep and laze around the house. I should probably have gotten a job... I still may. Maybe I could go work at one of the stores in town or be a waitress or something. Who knows. But for right now, I'm not ging to worry about it--because right now, I'm just going to relax.

Take a Bow, Juniors.

Only, we're not juniors anymore. We're seniors. Yes, as of 12:00 this afternoon Ink is officially a high school senior. We decided to go out with a 'bang' so at exactly 12 o'clock my classmates and I yelled, at the top of our lungs, "BANG!" Some of the elementary school kiddies walking by where we were standing looked at us like we were on drugs. No, we were just high on our own happiness!! Some of us got sentimental because one of our classmates has to go to the [crappy] local public school her senior year and we're going to miss her. And this is like the second to last last day.

I will officially be on summer vacation this time tomorrow, though. After the SATs. So, please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow. I'll need it. I'll probably blog tomorrow afterwards.

I'm Overdramatic.

So I was freaking out for nothing. I got good grades on my exams. Spanish: 100%, Psychology: 99%, Chemistry: 90%. Thank you to everybody who gave me good advice yesterday! It really means a lot, you guys.

Only one chapel service and a Spanish exam left and then I'm done with the 11th grade. I feel a sense of accomplishment right now. Strange to think this time next year my classmates and I will be saying our goodbyes. It's all so strange.

I have to go to court tomorrow morning to officially get my driver's liscence. It's a half hour drive to the courthouse and then I figure we'll be there for all of 10 minutes. But I'm being optimistic about the time-frame. If it doesn't take a couple of minutes, then I'll be missing my final exam for Spanish. Which I'm not too happy about. I've been told I can do it later, but I kind of don't want to have to switch around the schedule because of some stupid court date. Whatever. Tomorrow should be good despite court mess. As an end-of-the-year thing a group of my friends and I might go see Land of the Lost. I kind of want to go and then part of me doesn't want to go... I'm not sure. I don't like some of the people going...and I should stay home and prepare for the SATs. I don't know. Whatever...

Almost There.

So, tomorrow is the exam day from hell. I have an exam in every single one of my classes. Oh my Lord. I'm not too worried about Spanish or Psychology, but Chemistry... I'll probably leave youth group early [especially after what happened last week...which I don't think I've actually talked about...so, nevermind] and then study for my stuff. We went over the math for SATs yesterday so I'm feeling a little more confident. My twin and one of our guy friends and I are all taking it on Saturday so we're going to meet at the store his parents own and then walk to the testing site. It's only a couple of blocks. But we have to be there at 7:45 in the morning. I'm sure I'll be awake and stressing out by then, but it's still early...

Anyway, we only have a day and a half left of junior year. It's gone by so fast. It's so weird. I'm both nervous and excited for what the future will bring! But I'll keep blogging my boring life for you guys to read. Hopefully I'll start to get more interesting! :P

3 and 1/2

That's how many days of school I have left in my junior year of high school. My exams are going pretty well. Spanish is really easy, I know it better than I thought I did. And my two other classes really aren't having exams we're just having chapter tests, so that's easy and non-stressful! SATs are Saturday morning at 8:30. I'm trying not to worry about it. I keep telling myself that I scored higher than average high schoolers even in math, so I really shouldn't be worrying. And I can always take them again. But, I want to do well this time around because I'm applying for early acceptance into the college of my choice...Hopefully I can get in. I'm still not sure if I'll be able to go to it [it's 20 thousand a year] so I might have to go to another one of the public ones in my state. Which wouldn't be bad, some of them are really nice...

So, it's almost summer!! I'm so ready for it to be summer. We've got a lot planned. Ok, so not really it just feels like a lot. Mexico missions trip in June and then MASSIVE family vacation in July. And when I say massive I mean in amount of people going. Lets see here, it's my family, so Mom, Dad, Sista and me. And then my aunt and her family so... Aunt, Uncle, Cousin [and maybe his girlfriend] and then Eldest Cousin, Her Husband, Her 2 year-old Son, Other Cousin, Other Cousin's boyfriend. So it's going to be 13 people give or take. That's a lot of people to all live in one beach house for a week. But we're all startlingly similar--even as far as families go. So we get along. All of us cousins are like siblings and then my aunt and my mom are freakishly alike. It's bizarre. I know I've talked about it before. But really, it's scary sometimes. So we always have a lot of fun with them. I'm sure when the time actually comes to go to the ocean I'll be more hyped up about it.

Random Question, who else wants to see Year One? I want to go see it really bad.