"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." --2 Corinthians 3:3

voi ch'intrate

And Now, for Something Completely Different

So now that my family has gone back home, things are rather boring and uneventful. Which is good. There are only 4 more days until the BEACH WEEK. If I haven't said it before, I totally love the ocean. I could live there. I adore it. I like waking up really early to watch the sun raise and then staying up really late, or watching thunderstorms roll in over the later. Ah, I can't wait. Also, supposedly, this year we're renting surf boards and we're going to teach ourselves how to surf. Only like 3 of us probably will [because the Dad's of the group would probably get hurt if they did] so it'll probably just me my sister, my cousin and I that try it. But it will still be fun.

While we're waiting to go to the beach, I've decided to dye my hair. I'm going to bleach a huge chunk of it and then dye it light purple. I'm tired of having mundane hair. I couldn't do it earlier in the summer because of Mexico, so I'm doing it now. Hopefully it will turn out how I want it. I also want to get my ears pierced again...but there's no place to get them pierced here in my podunk, little town. It sucks. Whatever.

Sleep. I don't has it.

So, my cousin and her boyfriend did in fact come up to see us last night. So, cleaning my room wasn't a complete waste of time. I slept in my sister's room [on a futon mattress on the floor, I felt very Japanese] and am now suffering because I have this awful crick in my neck. Great. My sister has some volleyball tournament today. She's a beast at volleyball, it's actually kind of scary sometimes how good she is. Anyways, the church that we attend youth group at is having this tournament to raise money for the childen's ministries. So Twin is going over there to do her part. [rolls eyes] She's on the 'competetive' team. Seriously. If you ask any of the 7 or so people on her team how the tournament is going to end today, they're all convinced they'll come out on top. They probably will, the only competetion they'll probably have is the Mennonite team...because the Mennonites kick major butt when it comes to volleyball. But the other teams, not so much. I only know of two other team's playing. A team lead by none other than my ex-boyfriend, and then a team of 'old folks' as it's been put. But it should be fun. Hopefully.

We're going out for our collective birthday dinner tonight. Because we were supposed to go out in the middle of May for this birthday dinner, becuase it would've been in the middle of my sister's and my birthday as well as my cousin's; but she couldn't come up anytime in May, so now that it's July we're celebrating late. It's also a couple days before my mom's birthday, so it's an early birthday dinner for her and late for the three of us. We're going to the Japanese steakhouse, so I'm not going to complain. It's one of those restuarants with the grill in front of you. God, I love that place.

To clean, or not to clean?

So I totally love my family and how indecisive they are. I found out yesterday evening that my cousin and her boyfriend may come for a visit this weekend. Usually when this cousin comes to visit I give her my room and I go sleep in my sister's room. So this would mean I have to clean my room today... Because my room hasn't been cleaned since before Mexico. Yikes. But I absolutely hate cleaning my room. [laughing] I don't mind cleaning in general it's just something about my room that I abhor. But here's the catch, I actually have no idea if my cousin and her significant other are going to come visit this weekend. Because if her boyfriend has to work, they won't come. But if he doesn't have to...they will. So they'll either be here this afternoon...or they wont. Wow. So I have to clean anyways. Whether it has a purpose or not. Hooray.


I always forget how much I adore Miyazaki's films until I watch them again and I fall head over heels all over again. I've been itching to watch Howl's Moving Castle for the last couple of days because I've been reading the sequel to it. If you're in the mood to read something silly and magical and a little chaotic go pick up House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones. I adored it. It didn't really follow Howl and Sophie but they were there and the little glimpses the reader got of them were great.


My mom, Twin and I went to the lake today. I wasn't too keen on the idea, mainly because it's no fun to go to the lake unless you have someone to play with, and someone to play with I have not; but Mom really wanted to go so I went. Ended up only getting thigh-deep in the water and laying on a blanket the rest of the time, reading. But I got a good tan. [laughs] Hence the title of this post. I'm not really white anymore! Not that I was really white to begin with...I am Latina after all, but I was feeling pale, so now I don't feel so pasty anymore. Ok, I'll shut up now. But really the lake wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I've gotten hit on too many times there. Bah, it gets old after a while...but I think my sister and I were some of the oldest kid-type people there. There were a lot of prepubescent boys there making crude jokes and doing belly-flops off the landing, and then a ton of screaming, wailing, wet kiddies playing on the toys that were thankfully nowehere near where I was. But I had an ok time. Like I said, I got a tan. So I'm happy.