"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." --2 Corinthians 3:3

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The Time Traveler's Wife

So, I finally saw the trailer for The Time Traveler's Wife yesterday morning. My cousin and my sister had been constantly saying that they were going to go see this movie. They had to go see this movie when it comes out. I thought the premise sounded cool, but I hadn't seen the trailer so I was skeptical. I watched the trailer. It almost made me cry. I'm a total, sappy loser. So my sister and I researched the book the movie is based on and decided we wanted to read it. And now I've lost the last couple of hours of my life to that book. It's the best book I've read all year and that's saying something considering I've read 30+ books already. If you're looking for a good read The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger is it. Go read it. Now. Seriously. I'm not even half way down with it and it's amazing. And when the movie comes out, expect a sobby kind of post from me because I'm pretty sure I'll end up seeing it the day it comes out.

SEVERAL HOURS LATER, and Ink has finished the book: I've never, I repeat NEVER cried like that at the end of a book. I don't know if it was because I found the ending terribly sad, or if it was because the book was over, or what. But I finished the book, tossed it onto the empty space on the bed beside me and wept for a solid five minutes. It was pretty pathetic. I'm still a littl teary-eyed and I can feel a sob building in my chest.


So, I had every intention of going over to Movie Sign to actually be part of the fun. I have highspeed Internet here at the lovely beach house we've rented and it's really nice. So I saw the post over on the Watercooler about it and so I was like AWESOME I'm going. 7:30 rolls around my my sister, cousin, cousin's girlfriend and I were sent across the street to this diner for blueberry pie. It must've been the blueberry pie from heaven because it was 25 bucks a pie. We needed to buy two, because there's so many of us here. So we go over there with $50 dollars and the nice little old lady behind the counter rings it up and it was a couple of dollars over because someone needed to buy more pie. So we looked at this lady and were like "we don't have enough money". So Sista pulls out her awesome ninja math skills and figures we need to buy by the slice not two entire pies.

After the pie-run from hell, we decided it was time for my cousin to give everyone haircuts [for free, because she's that awesome]. So 8 o'clock and I'm getting my haircut, so I didn't go to the chat. Crap. But I have a pretty awesome haircut now. I straightened it and everything but the humidity kind of ruined the straightening. I was trying to take a good picture of it to show you guys but I don't want one where you can see my face but I couldn't get a good angle hiding my ugly mug. I don't want to go all pixelated, like Witness Protection-style. Hopefully sometime I'll be able to get a good picture... :/

It's kind of overcast here [well not right now it's not, because it's 10 at night] but it's been rather dreary. The waves were really rough today, too. I was the only girl that went out really deep. My cousin's girlfriend got hurt and my sister went for a walk and my two female cousins didn't want to go that deep...and one of them's pregnant so I don't blame her, it was rough out there. But we seriously need some sun. You can't go to the beach without it being sunny! That just defeats the purpose. So pray for sunny days on the Atlantic!

Ink is at the Beach.

Be jealous.

So, we got to the beach house at about 3-ish this afternoon. The rest of the family arrived around four. So now we're all just settling in and getting food cooked and debating lounging at our awesome pool. Life is good.


I bought the last volume of Fruits Basket yesterday. Got a little teary-eyed in Barnes and Noble... I've been reading Fruits Basket for about four years now, it's weird to see it end. I'd read the scanlations online, so I knew what happened, but there's something about holding that final volume in your hands that's really, truly sad. I didn't want to put it on my shelf. It made it really feel like THE END.

My sister dyed my hair for me yesterday. I got this crazy idea to take the purple dye I got and the blue dye I have and do streaks of both colours. It has officially turned my hair rainbow. I kid you guys not. I took pictures of it, but my camera was dying so the pictures are really crappy...

We leave Saturday morning for the beach! I knnow I've said that before but I'm super excited!! I should probably start packing today...

Stage One. Complete.

Went to the hair salon place this morning to get my hair bleached. It turned out good, despite having the wierdest trip to the salon. Ever. My mom and I got in there and the stylist lady is a well-known gossip in town, so she's telling us about this crazy lady that was in the salon yesterday...and we weren't in there for more than 10 minutes when the crazy lady walked in. I was so freaked out. She rambled on and talked and takled about random things and she got really upset about stuff. It was creepy. Thankfully she wasn't violent. But it still freaked me out. Scaaary. Despite it all though, I now have one chunk of my hair bleached yellowy blonde, ready to be dyed purple and blue.