Good Anime Fans Are Hard To Find

What has happened to all the good anime fans?

When I first started getting into anime I realized there was more to it than the stuff they showed on television. In fact there was a whole world that was a lot better than what I was seeing on TV. As I started to invest in my craze I realized that the stuff they were showing on TV actually sucks. Why does television choose the worst animes to show? Granted there are a few that I have seen that aren't bad. Cowboy Bebop was an excellent anime that was shown on Adult Swim as was Gundam 08th. But these days we're seeing things like Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist. Those are okay but lets face it - they are kiddy shows.

Where's the real stuff? Where's The Getbackers? Samurai Gun? GunXSword? Where's the anime that makes you really focus and think about what life is all about? Why are we showing the crappy shit that creates massive fan-girls and annoying fanatics instead of the real deep meaningful anime that practically made it a household name?

Basically I hate fangirls. I hate the crazy fans that think they are "anime freaks" because they have seen every episode of Naruto on Cartoon Network. If you like that stuff, fine - but you're not a true fan until you've seen something that hasnt been displayed on a kid channel.
