Sage Colbalt: Apocolypse Chapter 1: Keith's going CRAZY!!!!

"ohh,my head,"Keith moaned while getting up in rubble.

When he noticed his girlfriend was gone, his head started pounding,he yelled in pain, with with red dots forming in his eyes, which caused him to turn the area he was in into a frozen wasteland.

"I can feel your emotions..." a voice whispered.
He flinched. Keith reconized that voice.It was Sage! But how? She was gone a few hours ago!

"Sage?I thought you were...
"Gone? Yes, but I don't know where I am, though this place does look familiar," Sage said.
She used her earth powers to trace the landscape.
" Oh, no," she said.
"What is it?" Keith asked.
"I'm in the Dusk realm,"Sage said in horror.I think you can get there through the desert, but...
"But what?"
"Draconis broken the orb you need to open the portal into four pieces,and scattered them all over the world!"
"I have to go, meanwhile, don't go crazy, because I feel it too,"Sage said.
She held his hand.To him,it felt soft and warm.Then she vanished in thin air.

"That's a real woman,"Keith sighed.

After that,he fainted in the snow.
