Okay so anyone who knows me can tell you that I am a huge Vocaloid fan but the thing that ticks me off is when you get a great Vocaloid song and its overlooked or ignored so I made this world to fix that Mmmmmmhmm so sit back relax and jam to my tunes ;3

The Riddle Solver who can't solve Riddles

This has to be one of my favorite song by Len XP I think this is the first Vocaloid mysterious PS LEN DID IT X}

The Purple Forest

This is a beautiful song Featuring Kaito and Miku. A traveler(Kaito) Wander's into the Purple forest (A place all the local are afraid to go into) He finds a sweet girl inside (Miku) He loves her voice and he decides to stay and sing with her for a while but he ends up falling asleep He has a dream about a beautiful lake hidden in the mysterious forest surrounded beautiful purple flowers and in his dream he decided to stay with Miku FOREVER Miku Controls his dreams in the end Miku steals Kaitos soul and eyes


Lens song but with Piko's Voice This got me to thinking XD Muhahaha Len and Piko would make a great song togeather

Let it out

This is one of the Enging Themes from FullMetal Alchemist But that is not important What is important is who is singing it THIS IS PIKO UTATANE the lastest vocaloid and I think I am in love with his voice XD what do you think?

Yet I want to sleep

This is Lukas part in the story It is a beautiful Smooth Jass/Electronica song and OMG I have be posting my favorite parts of this series so far but the Real Complete Series Has 26 SONGS!!!!! I have listened to almost all of them if you want to Go HERE YOU SHOULD REALLY CHECK IT OUT

Half of the Vocaloid are in the series Luka,Gakupo,Len and Rin Sorry No Kaito or Meiko or Gumi