Welcome to a dull_person_reading_manga's blog! ^^'

Btw, you can find me on twitter.com as in_cupboard. Feel free to PM here or there ^_^

TT and others

I'm back and the first thing to say I've just read Tenjou Tenge up to ch131! And it's amazing! I even cried sometimes T.T Art is wonderful (well, actually was, changed too much in latest chapters :() And my favourite female character is also in this manga, it's Maya (I want her to be with Mitsoumi~). The only thing I'm afraid of is that the series may come out too long. In my opinion the manga could end now - the main fight has happened already and it was long and impressive enough, two great battles in a row would be too much. Besides I don't really mind unclear outcome.
Now about weekly series I read. I forgot to write anything about them last week though I'd enjoyed the chapters >.<
O.o Naruto? Strange chapter. I liked the 484 so much and now this... Sasuke's speach with unnatural gestures and repeated_too_much words, unspectacular attacs... Kaka-sensei is the only one worth looking at in this chapter for me.
I'm glad in Bleach Yamamoto wasn't made a looser! I'm even getting interested in what will happen next because I have no idea of beautiful defeat of Aizen XD Btw, there was no copy-pasted picture of shocked Ichi-chan this time!
Aaaaaa!!! Bakuman is just FANTASTIC! I love this manga sooo much! I rarely feel such deep sympathy for the character. Quit Tanto and start something interesting already!!!! >.<

Maaany series...

This awful term ended finally! Some grades I still don't know, but it doesn't matter ^^' I have a strange way of celebration each vacation: I sit up till 2-3am reading soujo one-shots =.=' Well, now I'll return to my reviews, so many ...

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And again...

Absolutely crazy week again. I hoped it would get less busy in the end but it's still the same and I'm still doing my homework at 10 pm again today...
But I'm too addicted to miss new WSJ chapters ^^
Naruto: "Sasuke and his girls" XD Sakura and Karin finally met. Unfortunately Karin can't fight with Sakura for Sasuke's heart... Anyway both Sakura and Naruto are crazy. Simply crazy. Kakashi-sensei, my pervated love, save them all!
Bleach: That was cruel! Aizen-sama is extremely cool but poor mini-cap! T.T And I can't understand why didn't Ichi tell about the mistake earlier?! Seemes like there is nobody left among captains and vizars to fight. Maybe Urahara and company will finally arrive?.. Otherwise how does Kubo plan to beat Aizen (the genre needs to defeat him!)? Does anybody have any suppositions?
Bakuman: To say the truth this chapter wasn't that much amazing. Too much coincidences. And Miyoshi gets what she wants in the end.

Some time ago I found out I have been reading manga for 5 years already, so long... O.o

Manga day

2 weeks till the end of the term, I have do finish it normally. So many grades to improve. I already want to make some wallpaper but I don't have time between tests and compositions @.@
Anyway Friday is my manga day ^_^ And nice chapters this week again.
I definitely love new Naruto chapter! That was an impressive blow from Sasuke and beautiful death for Danzo. Poor Karin of course (I wished she'd meet Sakura someday). And Sai stopped Sakura from her crazy actions. That's nice I'm a magician: I only need to complain on the manga to make it improve XD
Bloody Bleach today. I'm really shocked that captains got Aizen the Invincible, there must be something wrong with it! Besides they seemed sooo weak in the begining of this fight. To say the truth the whole fight in Karakura seems illogical. At first captains are totally beaten up. Then the vizards come and they're also beaten up. After that seems that the mangaka decided that'd be too much and quickly makes these weak captains defeat the espada. And finally all of them are still far below Aizen's level. Then shounen-ai love must bring the anti-Aizen-sama alliance victory the battle for Ichigo's heart begins Anyway it's rather cruel for the captains to sacrifice the vizards waiting for the moment to attack Aizen... But the chapter was cool ^_^
Bakuman is great! Simply awesome~ I only don't like Akina Aiko. And I don't want Takagi marry Miyoshi.
I started some new soujo (Himegimi no Tsukurikata) because there were no updates for the soujo series I was reading. I wish I have not done that. It is not that interesting for me but I don't want to give up on the series I begin reading...

Nice chapters ^_^

Were the new chapters that interesting today or is it just a long-expected exellent mark on physics? Anyway I'm back in a good mood finally ^_^
Chapter 480 of Naruto is maybe the best of the 10 latest! Sorry for my bad wishes to you in the previous post, Sasuke. You deserve living XD
Extremely cool villans in Bleach in this chapter, hoho ^^ Though I'm defender of good and justice Sailor Moon I couldn't help admiring Aizen especially with Gin's comments *.*
So the battle begins in Bakuman! That would be interesting ^_^ Although I'd like Ashigori to do something darker... Btw, I want to make a wallpaper with some art from Bakuman.
Unfortunately, I don't have such great emotions about DeadmanWonderland this time. But I have to agree that beating Ganta again would be too much. So I'll just wait for the continuation ^_^
And one more manga for today - DefenceDevil. I don't consider it that great (though some people find it one of the best shounens of all). I read it more because of the art than because of the plot. (I've made several nice avatars from there ^^) But it's still worth reading. The manga is about a devil who tries to prove the innocence of sinners to prevent them from being taken to hell. In return for salvation he gets Dark matter which increases his power.