Why my night last night sucked.

My mom got all pised at me when I called her to ask for a ride after Driver's Ed. about 6:30 and starting bitching me out and I flipped out. I'd been in such a good and happy mood but she ruined it. Now the guy that was doing driving with my friend and I thinks I'm psychotic moreso I bet and yea. Then I tried calling my mom again cause I hung up on her when she was yelling and she didn't answer. Pissed me off more, and my friend's dad offered to give me a ride but it's too out of their way and I stormed off took out my iPod and blared my music. they drove toward me and she was yelling at me to get in the car and I wouldn't, then stopped at every other corner and she got out at the first one and I pushed her away and the nest her dad tried stopping infront of me when I was crossing and tried to get me to take the ride and I said no thanks and then offered her phone since mine was almost dead so iI had it off.and I kept walking. Ending up stopping and just sitting at a bus stop cause my throat burned since it was so cold. My brother eded up coming like, en minutes later and didn't say a word. He was pissed too, he hates my guts. Now my friend and her dad are probably sooo pissed.

And I accidentall told her how my mom always say she wishes I were never born and it made her feel bad it seemed and that made it worse. I dont want peoples pity damnit.

I just wish things weren't so damn awful.

Now she won't wanna be my friend cause what i did. And it'll be a whole other charade like with the old friend..
And Things this year keep coming back to that whole deal and passing the house today, ugh. Sorry but. I miss my old friend even if that friendship was so damn corrupted. Twas nice while it lasted for the most part but being myself was just so damned horrid.

I hate how no one can accept the way I am, they think its not like me when it really is. Ugh.
