Is it so horrid for me to want to do something nice?


In your opinion, do you think a 16 year old should be allowed to do what they want with their hair?

To somewhat of an extent of course.

Since July '07 I've wanted to donate my hair.
I got a trim before sophomroe year started.
My mom convinced me she fucked my layers up so my mom fixed it so I'd have no more layers.
Which set me back a few inches.
Then I've gotten one trim since.

I was looking at websites for hair donating type things.
Pantene Beautiful Lengths, you need at least 8 inches.
I measured out my hair, if I donated that I'd still have it below my shoulders by like, two inches.

I'm sick of how she won't explain to me why I can't and just yells at me and pisses me off so we can't talk anymore.
She yells how she doesn't want me to have short hair.
It's not as short as it could come to be.

If I knew she'd never let me, I shouldn't have bothered to still want to donate it.
But I just really want to.
Also if she knew she wouldn't, which I bet she did, she shouldn't have said it was okay.

I'm tempted to cut it myself and send it in, but I don't want to screw it up.
I can't understand why she won't let me.

She can be so damn controlling.

Everything has to be her way.
Otherwise she yells and complains.
Doesn't care what ben and Krissy do.
They get to do whatever they want.
Me, I get bitched at if I even bother to ask for something to be how I'd like it to be.

That's how it seems at least.

Krissy gets away with everything almost.
I don't even do anything to her and she calls up mommy and daddy and lies to them saying I did stuff most the time she actually did.
And her new favorite sentances, I didn't know, I forgot, blahblahblah.
It's common sense kid, things you already definatly know.
Grow a brain.

My mom promised, if we got along and everything went well they'd take me driving.
And I could take driver's ed the end of the summer.
Numerous times they said they'd get my car fixed, has that happened yet?
Any time I even ask to drive, they refuse for some bullshit reason.
And if they don't want me driving their cars cause they're too powerful and big they should get mine fixed.
My mom had the nerve to complain she needs her car fixed when it's perfectly drivable.
Her sunroof won't close if she opens it.
Mine can't pass inspection, so it can't get driven.

Either of them come home, I ask to go out somewhere all they do is say they're tired and say no.
Or my mom comes home and yells and screams so I don't even bother to go near her, cause I know all she'll do is complain.
And my dad bribes me into doing things, and i always don't want to but he gets mad so i go do it.
And he never does what he says he'll do.
Two Saturdays ago he said he'd take me to the movies.
Still no movie yet.

Whatever... I should just totally give up on them ever doing anything for me or them letting me do anything.
It'll never happen.
And I'll get forced into things I don't wanna do like always.

Oh geez, and how right in front of me she'll say stuff to my sister like
"You don't wanna be fat like your sister do you."
And that tone she says it in.. so cold and hateful seeming.
It's like she finds and uses every chance she gets to insult me and make me feel like shit.
Aren't mothers supposed to be loving?
What ever happen to the stereotypical loves-her-kids-oh-so-much-cheerful-soccer-mom type mom?

Sorry.. stupid complaining I do is all I ever post anymore.
But hell... I need to let it out someplace.

I'll just go back to sitting in the corner crying to myself and making my headache worse and my eyes more bloodshot.

I don't even matter, so why dare I bother I don't know.

I should just off myself so I don't bother anyone else in this world.
