K know what? I'll post.

My mom's.. pregnant.
My God, she'll kill me if she sees this.
About 12 weeks.
I've known all along, blahblahblah.
Tried listening for a heartbeat say... last week sometime?
Couldn't get it and she was upset about tat.
So she ordered a baby Beats heartbeat monitor thingy.
Couldn't get it still.
Ultrasound early today.
No heartbeat still.
No movment either.
Looks only 11 weeks grown.

So yea... basically it's dead.
And it's real unlikely it'll survive.

So yea... I begged it out of her basically
So she yelled it at me.
Said there wasn't a heartbeat.
And I thought nothing of it being dead.
Then she was bawling her eyes out and ran off.
I went to head upstairs but i kept walking and got her a cup of cold water and she wouldn't take it.
Then she went in the bathroom.
Said something like, "Did you take your pills? Want some water for them?"
She said she already had and didn't want the water.
[She is on amoxycillian because of either her teeth being pulled or the root canal.]

So then Krissy came in my room crying how she was afraid of the thunder so she's sleeping in here tonight.
She said how mom said her baby was dead.
I went to go to the bathroom.
My mom got my attention and wanted to know if I wante to see a picture from the ultrasound.

Then we got talking about whatll happen while my brother was around.
I was tempted to say kinda joking type things a few times but I stopped myself each time.

Then she was saying how I didn't seem like I cared but I was just listening.
and then she started crying saying how no ones hugged her.
I wanted to but she always gets mad when i hug her.
Says i hurt her and to get away from her.
Then she went in the basement to sleep on the couch and She said she wanted to bring toilet paper and forget.
So i got her some, and got her some juice.
And shes just continuing on how it's her fault
and bitched at me when I said it wasn't .
And I tried convinving her to eat
Shes trying to punish herself and not eat.
Not drink.
Not do anything.

Her fault since she would always say
i don't want a boy
i don't want a down sydrome kid
I dont want any problems with it

Lifted things
Took meds she needed
Got teeth pulled
got a root canal

I got so pissed... I was choking back tears rand upstairs slammed the basement door and had tears slowly running down my face.
stopped before I went upstairs because incase my sister was up.
Didnt want her to see me cry cause she'd get all overworked.

i was so stressed...

i can only imagine my mother.
Oh geezzz >_<

But yea.....

Other than that.
It's now 1:53 am.
I took a loooong break during wrting this.

I have a dentist appointment Friday.
New dentist, haven't been in a lonngg time.
Just checking out what needs to be done on mine and my sisters teeth.

I like my wisdom teeth are coming in.
My parents dont believe me.

Watched my grandmothers cat monday through wednesday
Shouldve slept over onight but I was bored and came home when my dad came to get my sister since she slept over the night before.
her birthday tomorrow.

Oh great douchebags iming me on msn.
