Is this what she's doing to me?.. partially.

"Fine, I'm too fucking cocky to be talked down to and you always make me feel like shit. I've spent years being your friend, two of which you neglected to tell me about some other chick you've been talking to longer. You had the nerve to tell me that I brought out your "bi side" or whatever the hell and kinda somewhat admitted that you liked me which I wasn't like ecstatic over or anything because I kinda like you but I didn't want to get into anything like that because I had before and you said you never would. But yet fucking Linsey didn't make you "bi" apparently even though you'd been talking to her longer. I fucking hit on you all the time for fun and you would joke around with me too but as soon as you're "together," I can't say anything to you because it's all just no, I'm with her, that's all that matters. You can't take a fucking joke. Everything is compared to her. You even compared me to her! I haven't had a fucking beast moment in days because you keep bringing up how fucking happy you are and shit which I'm happy that you are because I can tell that you love her but the fact you changed the way you talk to me pisses me the fuck off. And you didn't even tell me when it first happened. You're like my best friend and I tell you everything, even little shit that I know you could care less about and you didn't tell me this at all. I was beyond pissed. And yeah, I know it's stupid but being cocky makes me a jealous bitch too. So yeah, I'm jealous of her. She took my best friend from me. Even though I still talk to you, it's not the same. Every conversation is centered around her or you're always talking to her while I'm talking to you. I get pissed when you're on the phone with her because I have to fucking ask to call you and it's always you don't want to get in trouble and she gets the upper hand and you talk to her all the time. I'm not even a priority for you anymore apparently. I feel like I'm just a habit. And I know you can't really talk about her to your family and all and I don't mind you bringing stuff up sometimes because I know I do it to you all the time, but if I really feel like shit, I don't want to hear how something I've told you a million times was so amazing to hear because she said it to you. And I'm not even bitchy anymore, I'm just tired..."

I just blacked over the stuff that didn't truly have a relation to it... But. It's how I feel towards you Vanessa, a good portion of the time. Plus some, but, basically. And with my being bad with words.
Then Brittany, sometimes this was how I felt.
DaiShamar, I'm so sorry I ever did this to you. Thank you for still sticking by me though.
