I hate this..

So I slept all day pretty much.
It was nice.

Went to te movies with Brittanyyy.
It was a good movie.
One the way there, we saw this lady Donna I know.
Then Donna was going to the moviesas well.
Donna went to see The Bucket List, like Brittany and I did.
The movie was pretty good.
Britt said she felt like she was gonna cry at the end.
Ohhh yea, she was decked out in a bunch of her rainbow Lesbo gear.
There was something my siter had said when we were in line to get snacks and drinks I just like blurted out "Because she's a lesban" and this lady in the line next to us shot me this appauled look. It was hilarious and my dad like told me to shut up basically and not to do that. Lmao.

Then afterwards, Brittany and I hung out in the lobby for a bit and sat at a table near the etrance, but these peopl were like yelling things ike "OMG EVERYONES HERE!" type things and it bugged me.. so we went outside.
She was cold. Like usual.. haha.

We hung out near the car and she was supposed toyell out "I'M A LESBIAN!" but she didn't because "there's too many kids around" or because she like.. started to laugh sort of it seemed.
I do tha at times.. hah.
Sooo thennnn we went to the 99 restaurant.
Brittany at yucky fishyyy and chips aka fries.
I had a turkey sandwich thing. My sister kept kicking me too, it ws so annoying. Hah.. I think Brittany got annoyed that I got annoyed.
Wo got dessert tooo...and my Banana pie thing was yummyyyyy.
Also my sister was stmping on my foot so i like lifted my foot and slammed her knee into the table and it was wiiiicked loud. then she insistd on holding her foot against my shin so I kicked herand she started crying..

Uhm, then we left and I walked her up to her apartment and then left for home. And yea... here I am.

I'm gonna go to bed.... since it's almost 5 in the morning. I hate when time changes..
My shin hurts.
and my head hurt like it was wall enclsing and crushing the sides, then it died down to barely noticable but now it's starting up again.

I reandomly just.. emotionally and physically feel like shit.
I need more friends, only actual friend I have is Brittany...
Sometimes it's like I don't even have her as a friend.
It sucks..

Anna Melissa and Amber are just.. lunch buddies, sometimes hallway, or walking out the school when it's tem to go home, or walk to lunch together buddies too.
Like sometimes I see Anna after the bell rings when scools over.
Anna's in my History classwhich I'm always late to school and miss a crapload.
Melissa and I like to tease Jon and convince him he's gay. He said he was into Mr Dempsey the other day.. it was hilarious.
Amber, joins in on the fun with Melissa and I.
Jon is funny cause he gets so pissed at me.. but he doesn't like blow up though. He jokes with it a bit...

It's soooooooooooooo windy outside.
It's wicked loud too and it's like againt my windows.
It's been raining pretty much all day too.
Aghh here comes more crushing >_<
I should go... I'm gonna take some tylenol pm maybe and lay down.
My hairs all fluffy except where it's stillllll wet.
I think I'm gonna french braid it..

My back hurtsss >_<

Nuh night people.
