Hi, I'm Caitlin.
I'm seventeen and I live in New Hampshire, USA.
I pretty much hate majority of my life, but whatever.
I don't give a shit if you think how I am is bullshit, what you think doesn't matter.
I'm so fucking sick of fake ass people.
But whatever, life is life, I can deal.
Have a nice day everyone.
Anyone have myspace and/or AIM that'd like to get to know me or add me go ahead just tell me where you're from please.
MySpace -
AIM - xxoCaitlinXx

Just because I smile, doesn't mean I'm happy



My head hurts wicked bad.
I hadn't posted in a while so i felt like it.

My eyes,nose,forhead area feels like somethings trying to crawl and break free through it.
It hurts >_<

So..... Monday night I actually talked on the phone.
For two hours.
Well... like after the first 43 minutes I actually talked.
I was typing online to her.
It was Dayday btw.
She kept saying my voice was cute... pft.
I was being quiet and not talking alot.
She was wicked talkative.
She's got like.. a little bit of a southerny accent.
Honestly, I like it and think it's cute.
Hahhh >_<

I'm tired..
And bored.

I talked to this dude Nick Scarlett today O_O
He has changed sooooo fucking much.
he doesn't seem like the asshole I knew him as in fifth grade til now.
He added me on myspace and we were messaging back n forth but he recently went to bed.
Watch that be like... a total scam and back fire.
Oh shit.

I dislike naps.
I woke up... after 2-3 hours and had this headache and it's getting worse.

I made dinner.
But i fell asleep.
And my dad said he'd take me driving tonight if i made dinner.
damn me for falling asleep.
I was tired though...
Anyways. Good night.


Pretty good day.
Sorta glad I made my venting site and did.
I think that's maybe why I felt better.
Got it off my chest instead of keeping it all bottled up =]

My day was pretty okay.
ROTC sucked.
Biology it got better.
Lunch was fine.
English was okay.
-- but I watched Fullmetal Alchemist or whatever and it was.
It was pretty good.

So episode that's kind of like what we're talking about in Frankenstein.
Something like Shou Tucker and he makes his daughter, Nina? and dog Alex into a chimera.



Foods, fun as usual.
I was real talkative at the end when like everyone was on the other side where the class sit down and learn section is and me and Jen and Aleshia or something.. it's like Alicia she spells it different though and Hunter were on the cooking part.
And he commented something like wow you talk so much more without people around.
And I was like Sooo???.......
And he's like No, nothing wrong with it I was just saying.
Then I went on rambling to myself saying I don't like talking around people and blahblahblah.

My nickname in that class is Quiet.

Everyone has nicknames.

Mrs Dee is Ring Master.
Jen is Master Cheif.
Aleshia or whatever is AA or AAA I don't know.. Mrs Dee calls her Al.
David is Safety Hazard.
Paul is Spiderman.
Arsenio or whatever is Brownie or Brown Sugar or something..
Caleb is Skipper.
Ashley is Trixie.
Kelsey is err.... Lily? Like the chick from Hannah Montana her best friend.
Hunter is Sasquatch.
I don't know what Leah is..
I don't think theres anyone else.
Oh well =]

Gym it was "Fitness Friday"
So i didn't wear my sneakers.
Got to walk the landing up where the locker room doors are.
It was hilarious.
This girl was singing random songs.
Like the alphabet, ants got marching in, wheels on the bus.

She was like.. the uhhh on the bus go round and round.
You had to have been there... it was the best gym class =]


After school.
I was gonna take pictures of my car in the light for once.
But I got distracted.
my sister was being a little douchebag.
Oh that reminds me Anna called Melissa a douche and she like half yelled DON"T CALL ME A PUSSY SHOWER BITCH!... it was hilarioussssssssss >_<

Helpedish out with my sisters girlscouts meeting since it was at my house,.

Marina is cool... She like kept wanting to hang out with me and wasn't like hyperactive for once and listened to me O_O she was helping me with stuff and such.
My sister hit me in the boob and slapped my ass and she said something to Krissy about how not to touch my private parts.. it was funny.
i bribed her into going outside because she didnt wanna when the other girls were by saying i'd show her my car.
Didn't get the chance to though since she had to come right back in.

Uhhhh... pretty much it.
I think she'd be fun to baby sit.
My mom and hers were emailing back and forth and her mom asked if I babysit and such which I don't except for my sister but I wouldn't mind.
Although her and her twin brother Roman have like, ADHD... so they're wicked hyper.
Oh well... they're nice kids.

nothing else to say. I go talk to Dayday and bug her more now bye!

You just get stretched and stretched til you're torn to pieces.

I hate my dad.

He's so fucking pissy, it's annoying.

He's all pissed I wanted to mow the lawn and I asked if he could get the tractor to work since I got it out of the shed and the engine won't turn or whatever.
Now he's even more pissed I wanted my car out of the garage.
It was getting ruined more and more by the damn garage opener thing.
My cars damaged enough now it has more scratches that are worse.

He's mad I called my mom and asked her if it was okay to get it out of there.
She called the house hoping for my brother andmy dad answered and said not to take it out.

So she called my phone back and told me to get my brother Ben to call her.
So he moved it as my mom got home.
He won't stop yelling.

It's got a flat, the roofs got deep scratches. The thing on the trunk, spoiler? it's scratched. The spring scratched the side above the tire.
Shit he's going outside i hope he's not touching my car >_< My mom had my keys..... He's going over to it >_<
He might just be checking the rim....
My moms telling my to come get my keys cause he's in a bad mood.
He has his car on.. not started but on.
He might be getting stuff to change the tire.... I don't know.

If he fucking ruins my car I'll die.
I love my pretty blue Mustang =[

Nighttime pictures suck...

I thought my mom would have more of a stupid problem with it I was shocked she was fine with it.


After a while...

You learn to care,
but act like you don't.
Paste a smile on the outside,
when inside it's tearing you apart.

You just learn.
Learn to suck it up.
To just deal with it.

Chances are..
It'll never be the same again.
You eventually get past it.
Or learn to seem like you do.
At least...

You'll survive.
don't dwell on it so much.
Paste on that smile.
Try and ignore it all.

Maybe one day..
Life will get better.
Maybe one day..
it'll all be okay again.
But you gotta learn to deal first.


Hello there.
Fancy seeing you here, hm?

I don't feel good.
I had a massive headache that was getting worse and worse yesterday and made me uberly cranky after school.

I went to bed at like 7-730 since I couldn't bear to keep my eyes open any more.

Today, I actually woke up a minute or two before my dad came upstairs woke up my sister told me to get up and stole my dogs.
I was having an awkward dream..
They sent to to some psychiatrist and he was just... insanely awkward to match the rest of the dream.

I don't feel well.
My throat hurts, but it's getting better.
Maybe it was just dry?

Hah I'm procrastinating so bad my parents are gonna be mad.
I just really don't want to go to World History.
I never go cause I'm always late and I hate getting stared at because I rarely come in.


I had a good day yesterday though.
Except gym was uber boring.

Ah here comes my parents. bye!