What's The Point?

Mood: Tired/Depressed/Downright Cranky

Currently Listening To: Cast It Out - 10 Years

Today... was kind of better... but not really though =/.
Been tired all day, maybe I shouldn't have stayed up until 12:00 AM in the morning all for that stupid person that didn't even try and stick up for himself, yeah, I don't care if he messaged her, I'm still pissed at him. I still think he's nothing but a douche bag for taking so long to respond to her. If someone REALLY loved someone THAT much, why not try and keep contact with them on the first day!? HUH!? YEAH! LOVE'S NOTHING BUT A BIG FRAUD IN LIFE. A FRAUD. Love shouldn't exist anymore, it's nothing but a troublesome aspect of life and just always gets in the way of things. I'm happy for my friend's that do have boyfriends and are in love, I am, this isn't going out to them at all. To tell the truth, I have really no idea who it's going out to. Maybe to myself or some unexplainable being who randomly reads this and starts to argue that I'm all wrong.
These are my thoughts, and my thoughts only. I don't what other people think, let them think what they want.
I don't know.
Love is useless... it isn't worth the time. But, no one can live without love because then all there would be, would be hate. Hatred shouldn't conquer all. But, love shouldn't conquer all either. They should be equally balances out on the scale. Scale out more than one on either side, you'll create a love monster or a hate monster.
I already know what side I'm on, undoubtedly, the monster side. I have been created into a monster by this world. I have evil thoughts that no one dares travel through. I have thoughts that I don't say aloud... or else someone will get hurt... for sure. But what does any of that matter now? It's not like I'm going to change anything. It's not like I'm going to change my ways after so long in living in darkness and blindness of everything. I think I'm truly blind on what everything means in the real world and life. Maybe I'm just aimlessly assuming things out of proportion and making into some horrible thing in my mind. Or, maybe I'm just being the stupid little girl that I'm always being each and every single day.
I'm not smart, I'm not pretty, I have no right to be living at this very moment, and I have no right to be saying any of this.
Freedom of speech and expression. Yeah, what freedom? There is none.

