Better Late than never

Posted by Clark Steel
I know that this news came out oh, a month ago but the behind the set of King Of Fighters movie is up on youtube. Here's the two parts:

Part 1

Part 2

If you paid attention you'll notice that Vice's actress said she played KOF 93. How did she play this fantastic game? That no one has ever heard of before, must be so good it was never released to the public because they couldn't handle it. XD
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Also here's a link to watch gameplay of KOF 12. In the video it's mentioned that Is holding an art contest. If you really want Mai let your pencils do the talking. In the gameplay video they also show that Elizabeth Blanctorch and Mature are going to be in the console release of the game. Mature now has an eye patch but yes, she's alive. I'm really interested in this now. Watch the gameplay video here.
