Big news for the Ikari Warriors

written by xaos

There's some pretty big changes happening over here at the Ikari Warriors. First with us becoming the flagship podcast over at and then with a certain member being kicked out due to personal reasons, and now recently with the new episode coming out, two more things happened. Number one the official name of the podcast will be called Ikaricast and number 2 this will be treated as a new start, the episode that will come out on Monday will be considered episode 1. It will still be the same people (minus one, we're looking for a permanent replacement for Ralf Jones aka KDigg) and the same format.

As for this club, well, it'll still be a place for KOF fans to come together on theO but I just want to remind you this is only a small part of it, thegeekfighters is where everything happens now.

I have to admit though, never would I have thought that this podcast would lead to us making an anime only podcast called the Rising Sun which would lead to us focusing more here again, which leads to the creation of a brand new site with a bunch of talented people. Those of you that have followed us all this time, thank you for your support and God bless.
