Chapter 28: A Battle

I couldn't believe it. Austin's friend, Sam, was being possessed by a demon. I had to wonder what a possession was like, and how was it that much different than a bonding. Would other demons sense Eevie within me and think I was being possessed, too? I suppose it was different in that Sam wasn't able to control his body whereas I could. But only because Eevie let me.

After she forced a switch when Alistair was attacking me, I wasn't so ignorant as to think she couldn't take over whenever she wanted. But the difference between Sam's demon and Eevie was that Eevie was a friendly demon. Compassionate. She would never control my body unless it was to protect me.

The more I learned about what Eevie could do, the more scared and amazed I got. She could do spells. Like a witch. I mean, I could do a locator spell now after some practice, but still. A few days ago, I had just thought a witch was a cool Halloween costume. Never in a million years did I think I'd be doing spells.

Eevie was able to make the crowd sleep. It was a good plan so no one would get in the way and a mass panic couldn't ensue. When she was finished, I insisted on checking on Austin and Alexa. I wanted to make sure they were out of harms way. Thankfully, Eevie did as I asked. It seemed Noel or Nori moved them some place safe.

Satisfied, Eevie took off towards to the fighting, where we found Nori already in combat with them. Eevie hesitated a moment and we got to watch as Nori and Noel switch back and forth depending on what they were doing to take advantage.

We may not be there, yet, but we'll look like them in a real fight. Eevie told me.

And at some point, I hope to be able to defeat a demon on my own.

I dare say you'll get there soon. I could practically hear the smile on her lips. It was good to know she had faith in me.

Nori raced forward and was crossing blades with the bull's horns shortly after he had used Yun as a gun, but the bullets couldn't break the demon's hide.

They are distracting the thing for us. Eevie commented. I could tell she didn't like the fact that the boys were trying to keep us safe, but I knew she would try to use the distraction to her advantage.

She started running for it head on, and I had to wonder about her motives."Nori, give me the blade!" she cried as she got closer. I could see Nori hesitated. He needed that sword to combat the bull, but in the end, he tossed it over to her, shifting his other sword.

The demon was pushing him back, and Nori was losing ground. I could see his face contorting with exertion. He wouldn't be able to hold that position for very long.

What are you doing? I finally asked Eevie

It's belly won't have the hard exterior the hide on his back and the rest of his body has. She had caught the blade easily without breaking stride, jumped onto the bulls back like she was going to ride it. The blade glowed a brilliant blue for her water elemental gift.

Then squeezing her legs together, she tilted so she was straddling its belly. She was squeezing her legs together tightly trying to stay on the demon. Falling off, she would be directly under its hooves. Taking the sword, She had really lean back because the sword was so big.

She only managed the graze him with the sword, when she fell off, directly bellow the bull demon. It stomped on her right ankle. But Eevie barely flinched in pain as she took the sword and thrusted up with it, catching the bull in the air. The hide was still powerful at this point, but not as much so.

Nori came up behind Eevie and placed his hands over Eevie's, and the blade sparked with their combined fire and water powers. Nori's ability would be burning the demon with heat while Eevie's would be burning it with how cold it was. With their two combined strength, they were able to thrust the sword all the way through the bull.

Eevie took a little too much pleasure in twisting the blade once it was in to the hilt and then yanked it out, letting Nori keep a hold of it as they back-flipped out of the way.

She landed funny on her bad ankle and fell over, having to crouch, my her hand out to steady herself. But they were able to watch as the bull demon shrunk back and transformed back into Sam, who fell onto his knees and then into the dirt face first. We could see the demon smoke leaving the kid's body.

"You two did it!" Yun exclaimed transforming back into his cotton ball form.

"That was good thinking about going for the underside," Nori complimented me as he stood up to turn around and look at me. When he saw the way I was sitting, he hurried over to my side. "Your ankle?" When I nodded, he continued, "I thought I heard the crunch from when you fell under it."

"Someone had to make the risky move, might as well have been me," I told him with a smile. "It's broke, but it'll heal in a few days."

Nori pulled me up so I was standing on one foot. I made the mistake of trying to put weight on my bad ankle, which caused me to lurch forward into Nori's chest. I was almost as tall as him, so our eyes were almost level, my hands flat on his chest, and I could feel the muscles move beneath his shirt as he moved his arm to to catch me and right me.

"Sorry," my voice came out like a whisper. We were so close to each other. All I had to do was lean my head in an inch, and we would be kissing. My eyes drifted down to his lips that looked way too kissable.

"If you wanted me to hold you against me, all you had to do was ask," Nori meant that statement to come out jokingly, but there was no humor in his voice as he stared back at me.

"Right," I swallowed and leaned in, I was just going to do it and see what would happen.

Yun, who had gone to check on Austin, exclaimed, "The demon has truly left Sam unscathed. The boy will be well once he awakens."

Dang it! Elena exclaimed. Yun! she whined.

The moment between us was over, and I pulled back to look at Yun, "Hopefully he doesn't remember anything."

Yun bobbed over, running into the side of Nori's face and plopping onto his shoulder in a human form. "The last thing he'll remember is whatever happened before the demon possessed him."

Nori looked disappointed, but he said, "Who knows when that demon even got a hold of him."

"Hopefully it was after he came to the campus," I said.

Sam started shifting, waking up. I couldn't shift back to Elena until I got this foot wrapped so it could heal correctly. Nori picked me up bridal style. "Yun, can you handle making sure he's okay?" he asked, and Yun transformed into a life sized human before Nori teleported us somewhere we could wrap my ankle. My sleeping spell would last for another hour or so.
