My First is Second in Line: Part 2

Continued from: My First is Second in Line

Once outside, Szayel was picking up faint traces of Zeshin, but he could not pin point him, however, Kita’s reiatsu was strong.

“What is that woman doing out of her room?!” Szayel complained as he sonidoed toward her.

When he found her she was out cold lying on her side in the sand. “What is going on here?”

Szayel looked around as he kneeled down to pick Kita up. He tossed her over his shoulder and stood turning in place as he looked around for anyone out of place. A few hundred yards away Szayel saw a figure in the sand. The red he saw lead him to believe it could only be Zeshin, he sonidoed over to the figure with Kita over his shoulder.

“I guess my hunch was right.”

Szayel placed Kita to the sand once more and walked over to Zeshin which was out cold as well and face down in the sand.

“What the hell happened out here?”

Szayel was puzzled. Neither Zeshin nor Kita had injuries, buy both of them were knocked out.

“This doesn't make sense.” Szayel looked at Zeshin then over at Kita shaking his head. He then kneeled down rolling Zeshin over to his back. Stuck to his chest was a piece of white folded paper. Szayel grinned and pealed the piece of paper from his skin and opened it. A wide grin came across his face.

“I love when my assumptions are correct.”

He walked over to Kita picking her up and putting her over his shoulder once more.

“Back to your room with you woman before Lord Aizen or Ulquiorra finds you out and about.”

Toshiro sat up slowly, his head pounding. He looked around the area and saw someone with their back turned to him holding Kita. "Lord Szayel?" he questioned.

Szayel looked back over his shoulder, “So you’re awake now?” Szayel turned around walking back toward him. “What happen out here and WHY was Kita out here with you?” His eyes slightly narrowing with his last question, “she is to be under lock and key only to be out with her master or Lord Aizen. Why was she out here with you?"

Toshiro could feel his reiatsu fluctuating dangerously, but it was manageable. "I-" Toshiro looked from Szayel to Kita and back, "I don't know what happened. I can't remember.....Kita? Is that her name?"

Szayel looked from Zeshin to Kita which was still over his shoulder past out, “Yes, her name is Kita.” Szayel gave him an odd look, “So you didn’t know her name, but you kno--” Szayel paused rethinking his statement, “…you knew she was out here with you?”

"I don't remember," was all he could say. His mind was very fuzzy at best and his head pounded so hard.

Szayel stepped up to Zeshin, “If this keeps up the soul reaper will be an arrancar before the week is up. I am sure he is aware of that danger since he took this disguise on.” Szayel thought to himself. “Can you walk?” He asked him.

Toshiro stood up and dusted himself off. "Yes, yes I can."

“Then let’s get back inside.” Szayel replied stepping forward.

Toshiro silently followed the arrancar trying to remember what had transpired.

The three returned to confines of Las Noches Szayel not speaking a word. Turning at an unfamiliar hall for Zeshin, he wondered if he would follow.

He continued to follow the espada.

“What are your plans, Zeshin?” Szayel asked him out of the blue as they walked toward Kita’s room.

"Huh." Toshiro looked up at the arrancar, then around the area. He had been lost in thought and was not paying attention to the area around him.

Szayel looked his way, “I ask what your plans are? After all, you came here on your own freewill to be in Lord Aizen’s army. What are you looking for from all of this?”


“Hm,” Szayel replied as he stopped at a door, opening it and walking into the room. He laid Kita to her bed and tuned walking back toward the door, “There now she is out of my hair.” He closed the door behind him rejoining Zeshin as they finished their walk to their own rooms.
