Gone Too Long:

Ujikiyo walked around The Forest of Menos' worried that Kita didn't come back it had been days.

"Where is she? I am worried," he sighed. “The one she called Ulquiorra was infuriated with her, and me. I don’t understand why.” He thought aloud.

He found another Hollow, quickly ceroing it, watching as the silver blast went through the middle of its mask. Slowly he went along his path to home. Walking a little farther we winced in pain as he touched his right side.

“Ulquiorra hit me pretty hard. I save Kita’s life. If Ulquiorra valued her life at all you would think he would be grateful to me.” Ujikiyo thought as he walked along. "Damn that Ulquiorra," he complained. “It has been a couple days since Kita has come and seen me.” He sighed still heading for home. “I wonder where she is, and what Ulquiorra did to her.” Taking a few more steps he stopped cold, “Her bell!" he yelled to himself.

He then sonidoed the rest of the way home. Once he got there, he pushed his way into the center room, instantly heading for the bell.

"Of course, right where I left it," he said after he shook his head.

He grabbed the bell, and head off to find Kita. He did not like that he had not seen her in days. Walking through the forest he headed straight for the open sands of Hueco Mundo. The whole time he had a feeling like he was being followed. So, ever so often he would stop and look around him, even looking over his shoulder from time to time as he traveled along his way in the forest. Once on the sands he had a hard time finding Kita's reiatsu trail, it took him a couple hours to find even a hint to follow it. As he followed the very weak trail, he eventually found a huge building out in the middle of nowhere.

"Holy.... What is that!" he tried to stay quiet, but it came out as a loud whisper.

As he became closer to the building he could sensed Kita's reiatsu coming strongly from this place, but where was she?

