Death to a Popular Chicken

I have chickens at home that i mostly show. I had a B.B Red Phoenix with really, really long tail feathers. He was about 6, maybe 7 years-old this year, so yeah, he was old.
But he was our best show bird so we showed him a lot. He had a very genital disposition. He was so taim that he would sleep in your arms! His name was Fox. Since he was old, we made this summer his last year at a 4-H show. When i would take him to my 4-H shows and take him out of his cage to pet him, a butt lode of people would come up and take pitchers and ask stuff about him. All the people went to my head sometimes. haha.
yeah, but this year in Indy is a very cold one so we put up a lamp on our chicken pines on hopes it would help them to keep warm.
Well, when i went out to feed my chicken today, guess what i found? Our best show bird DEAD!!!! Dead i tell you DEAD! He was my fav chicken!!!!!!!!! When i found him, I-i just couldn't believe it. So i nudged him. Stiff as a board. I was biting the sleeve of my moms coat.
Since it was really cold out today, me and my mom think he just froze to death when he was sleeping.
This just sucks. Why am i the one to always find our pets dead!?!?!?! I found our cat dead, i found Fox dead and another one of our cats dieing!
I-i need to go, leave any comment u want, i just don't care anymore. Ja.
