okay this is going to exsplane about my lack of art updates an what not. i`ve just been in one of those annoying dry periods where nomatter what you do, nothing seems to look right and ya just give up and try to move on. i hve been working on getting out of that by doodle stupid stuff(like purple elephants with one wing xD). but i havee been able to complete my first set on contest prizes(the one with your fav parring in it). jendd333 your prize is done(been for about a month o.o'') and the second winner person(its been so long that i dont even remember who got second!) Itachi is done and been done since forever ago(i put a draft of it in my protfolio). my writting contest prize is not done(havent even started it. oxo'). my are trade with sassyfrassy(however you spell it >n<'') is not done eiher(not even started). and at this very moment i am work on a pic with latios in it(I.HATE.THE.FEET.AND.WINGS!!! Dx). im so hoping that it'll turn out the way i want it to. =>w<=
